Message from @Miniature Menace

Discord ID: 667270304233553931

2020-01-16 03:51:16 UTC  

Well she hates our country but that only makes her a true and loyal Californian....

2020-01-16 04:38:21 UTC  

Apparently the never-Trumpers are masturbating to this interview with Maddow and Lev Parnas. Can someone explain to me what it is they're seeing?

2020-01-16 04:39:32 UTC  

oh i havent seen the interview

2020-01-16 04:47:05 UTC  

Looked him up because even as a foreign policy wonk I never heard of the dude. Apparently he's some sort of bottom feeder with a private IR firm.

2020-01-16 05:37:43 UTC  


2020-01-16 05:53:12 UTC  
2020-01-16 05:54:59 UTC  

I didn't watch the entire interview, but the clips I saw, I specifically tried to look for signs that Parnas was lying - since that seems the most likely explanation - and I couldn't find any. I'm no expert, but to my eyes, he appeared to be telling the truth in those parts I watched, so now the question is - is this controlled op? Cuz ostensibly, that's exactly what Trump and Rudy paid him to do in the first place with Ukraine.

2020-01-16 06:23:08 UTC  

when do you think politics devolved from theatrics into the circus that it is now?

2020-01-16 06:39:38 UTC  

I think to some extent, it was always that way, we're just more aware of it now.

2020-01-16 06:47:55 UTC  

I think we're suffering the effects a brief interval of time in which trust was so high, and the production values of this lie was of such tremendous quality, that the return to what prior generations likely knew instinctively about the trustworthiness of politics is an absolute shock to our system.

2020-01-16 06:53:51 UTC  

Who ever thought it was a good idea to trust politics? I was raised that they're important, not trustworthy. Very different things

2020-01-16 07:10:05 UTC  

I think most people neither trust them nor care about them. Apathy has been a patient and insidious killer.

2020-01-16 07:15:38 UTC  

I definitely care about being informed, but I don't usually care about being the difference. Just knowing who is the difference I don't want

2020-01-16 07:15:55 UTC  

i think more dems are finally seeing how fucking tone deaf CNN is

2020-01-16 07:16:06 UTC  

Like fucking socialists

2020-01-16 07:42:01 UTC  

So the most exciting thing to happen the whole night was after the debate! Sheesh, she didn't have the balls to call him out during the stupid thing when she could have made the most impact!

2020-01-16 07:42:29 UTC  

Trump will eat these cowards alive during any debate.

2020-01-16 07:42:44 UTC  

yang shouldve been in that debate

2020-01-16 07:42:58 UTC  

cnn is trash

2020-01-16 07:43:28 UTC  

Yup. Both sides are saying that now 😄

2020-01-16 07:56:40 UTC  

>when the boogaloo kicks off in Virginia

2020-01-16 09:03:24 UTC  

So far this is still unconfirmed, as far as I'm aware

2020-01-16 09:04:11 UTC  

Oh, wait, this is from 2012, hmm

2020-01-16 09:06:33 UTC  

On the one hand, I would trust 2012 wikileaks more, on the other hand, I'd need confirmation that those are the same systems still being used

2020-01-16 09:07:01 UTC  

Unlikely, if this was a credible leak, at least not without changing the codes. Unless they couldn't be changed.

2020-01-16 09:07:20 UTC  

Such as if there was a firmware control or something, that maybe Iran didn't even know about.

2020-01-16 09:08:27 UTC  

Still, if true it would be odd to tip their hand now, when such a card would be more useful to play in a hot war.

2020-01-16 09:09:12 UTC  

Unless it's meant to cause panic, as Iran scrambles for new systems to replace the compromised ones.

2020-01-16 09:12:38 UTC  

Marketing ploy from Russia! "I hear your codes have been leaked" "Here, buy these new ones with unbreakable codes" 😄

2020-01-16 09:14:39 UTC  


2020-01-16 09:16:02 UTC  

honestly, any country that can make their own weapon systems rather than buying them from a foreign power, should, particularly where those systems involve complex computers