Message from @Omar_The_OMAP

Discord ID: 669331852187664444

2020-01-21 23:24:56 UTC  

not many conservatives on the west coast...

2020-01-21 23:25:44 UTC  

You must not be familiar with California's red country

2020-01-21 23:26:08 UTC  


2020-01-21 23:26:17 UTC  

What a fucking retard. You should spend more time outside of the large cities.

2020-01-21 23:26:26 UTC  

cali lost its last holdout in orange county

2020-01-21 23:26:32 UTC  

The only blue part of Washington is King County

2020-01-21 23:26:50 UTC  

Everywhere else is a reasonable mix

2020-01-21 23:26:59 UTC  

Except the East side...

2020-01-21 23:28:35 UTC  

Sounds like he's trying to use the pity card.

2020-01-21 23:34:35 UTC  

Tbf, that'd be my response to someone killing me. But for different reasons

2020-01-21 23:34:40 UTC  

Why doesn't he just post a picture of his naked belly and show his teeth

2020-01-21 23:34:43 UTC  


2020-01-21 23:35:12 UTC  

(for those who don't get it that's how animals like dogs and primates signal to other members of the species that they aren't threats)

2020-01-21 23:35:31 UTC  

I'd like to think my last words would be "I'm not mad, just disappointed"

2020-01-21 23:37:39 UTC  

I'd just say "As was foretold"

2020-01-22 00:00:47 UTC  


Ok I'm off work, hit the weights, dinner cooking so I can get back to you. While we all know that correlation does not imply causation the problem with 13/50 is that it isn't even a correlation. It's just a snapshot statistic. A snapshot taken when violence is at it's lowest point in history and specifically in the US has been on a downward trend for decades See *Better Angels of our Nature*- Pinker. For it to be a correlation the proportion would have to maintain over time and it does not. The 13 is fairly constant (Got as low as 10 at one point IIRC) but the 50 has varied wildly over that period.

Now you mentioned culture and nature for an idea of how to spot the difference I suggest *Not by Genes Alone*- Boyd and Richerson but suffice to say the mere couple of centuries our great nation has existed is too short a period for any population wise genetic differential to cause such change. A closer look at the data can see co-morbidity in the 13 with single-parent families and a decrease in civic engagement but even this is not a centuries-long trend and in fact has shifted recently *Black Rednecks and White Liberals*- Thomas Sowell

The most notable point at which these social factors began to have the impacts that are now known as 13/50 is in the middle of the last century and can also be seen, down to the zip code, in populations of exclusively non-Hispanic whites *Coming Apart*- Charles Murray. As to causal relationships I am strongly inclined to blame the expansion of the welfare state by LBJ. As put forward by Amity Shlaes in *The Great Society; A new History*

2020-01-22 00:03:22 UTC  

I guess my larger point is that as a Conservative I read conservative thinkers. This is what differentiates myself from progressives like Spencer or Fuentes. Because I have this study I do not accept the left narrative while hastily pathing "It's because race" over "it's because racism" and then generally holding the same narrow vission.

2020-01-22 00:03:24 UTC  

Stating that 13 percent of the Population commit half of Violent Crime is a Fact. However, as with all issues, no one asks why

2020-01-22 00:05:49 UTC  

There is an obvious reason, The Black Community has been pushed away from Traditional values by bad influences. Rap music constantly talking about ‘Fucking Bitches then kicking them outside’ as well as living a living a life Trafficking Drugs and Shooting people over it. The Father is overwhelmingly absent from the home and we all know how things turn out for kids with Single Mothers.

2020-01-22 00:06:41 UTC  

There are no role models and so the role models chosen are Rappers, Professional Sports Players, and other influential figures who may not live a realistic life

2020-01-22 00:10:52 UTC  
2020-01-22 00:24:41 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP they are a product of their own culture, it's genetic for them. Extremely violent, unable to adapt to a society with a functioning rule of law, and very poor impulse control. These are things outside of their own control, it would be better to have them back in Africa where they can see their true selves in a welcoming environment for such Behavior

2020-01-22 00:25:07 UTC  

Bad b8

2020-01-22 00:25:20 UTC  

You can't take a strain of people who were building cathedrals in the 11th century and make them with people who still, to this day can't figure out how to farm correctly

2020-01-22 00:25:54 UTC  

There are no successful black countries, cities or municipalities. They don't exist.

2020-01-22 00:26:18 UTC  

Even the successful high-earning black neighborhoods in Atlanta are Rife with crime, their children just can't help themselves

2020-01-22 00:38:18 UTC  

I dissagree that it is genetic, though genetics MAY have some play in how they act they are just as human as anyone else and they do have the choice to not adopt that culture.

2020-01-22 00:38:54 UTC  

I do agree that the culture is to blame though.

2020-01-22 00:41:56 UTC  

interesting response @Jym i think its important to mention those other factors that you mentioned in your response when discussing this kind of thing.

But to me this still didnt disprove that genetics have no effect on the issue. Race realist dont believe that genetics are the sole factor. They believe that it is one of many factors and possibly an important one that should be considered.

2020-01-22 00:43:12 UTC  

Charles Murray wrote a book called the bell curve and if i remember correctly he posited that it is about .6

2020-01-22 00:43:38 UTC  

The question should be examined by other species, are birds of different colors smarter than others?

2020-01-22 00:43:54 UTC  

well it is possible that some birds are scavenging then others

2020-01-22 00:43:57 UTC  

while some are birds of prey

2020-01-22 00:44:14 UTC  

Within the same species though.

2020-01-22 00:44:16 UTC  

some birds are better at different tasks just by the shape of their beaks right?

2020-01-22 00:44:32 UTC  

Finches are notorious for that yes

2020-01-22 00:44:55 UTC  

But we would want to compare within the same adaptation outside of plumage color

2020-01-22 00:45:00 UTC  

honestly I am not familiar enough with the science to say one way or the other for certain. but i do think its something that should be explored in good faith

2020-01-22 00:45:30 UTC  

I think race/color always is a factor, it's just to me not the deciding factor.