Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 673434803743358976

2020-02-02 07:42:47 UTC  

also the people who can afford to pay people to take care of the paperwork, so you can forget about opening your own shop in a place with a VAT.

2020-02-02 07:42:49 UTC  

Like I went to England and we went in line at I forgot the name of the Big mall or shopping center in London that has like Seafood bars and Chocolate, Delis, and other things

2020-02-02 07:43:14 UTC  

An the had a section to get a VAT refund

2020-02-02 07:44:25 UTC  

"If you permanently or habitually reside outside of the EU, you will likely be considered a “visitor” for VAT refund purposes. In these cases you are not subject to the VAT and may be able to claim a refund. Unlike tourists, business travelers can also claim the tax they paid on lodging and meals."

2020-02-02 07:45:16 UTC  

"bow at the alter of the almighty paperwork gods!"

2020-02-02 07:45:21 UTC  

So basically a VAT only effects people living there

2020-02-02 07:45:47 UTC  

And if you don't live there you don't pay the VAT

2020-02-02 07:45:53 UTC  

where a sales tax effects everyone who shops there, so another reason VAT taxes are dumb.

2020-02-02 07:45:55 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:46:29 UTC  

Sorry little tired

2020-02-02 07:46:32 UTC  

I think both sales tax and VAT are dumb. They're relics of socialist reforms.

2020-02-02 07:47:01 UTC  

where I live people drive sometimes over 3 hours down form canada to go shoping because the taxes are better, and then they also have to pay a tax when they go back into canada on any stuff they bought anyway!

2020-02-02 07:48:08 UTC  

I feel like the taxes should be delt with on a town level, how the town does it i don't care.
then the towns send some money to the state, and the state sends some money to the federal level.
would make several problems just go away.

2020-02-02 07:48:24 UTC  

Sounds like Me when I drove up to New Hampshire just to get Whiskey

2020-02-02 07:48:29 UTC  

It would eliminate so many meaningless jobs, too.

2020-02-02 07:48:35 UTC  

But that's exactly why it won't happen.

2020-02-02 07:48:41 UTC  

ahh, you aren't a Masshole are you Ordis?

2020-02-02 07:49:11 UTC  

(liveing in mass and being a masshole are not the same thing)

2020-02-02 07:49:13 UTC  

No, I'm a New Yorker who wants to hang our Governor

2020-02-02 07:49:29 UTC  

wait, you drove form NY all the way into NH for booze?

2020-02-02 07:49:43 UTC  

you must have been in the north east of NY then?

2020-02-02 07:49:50 UTC  

Well my mom was working in Massachusetts

2020-02-02 07:50:02 UTC  

In the Boston area

2020-02-02 07:50:33 UTC  

Boston sucks, but i know the area well enough i think.
drove truck down there all the time.

2020-02-02 07:50:38 UTC  

My dad gets her Bourbon and Whiskey to Cheer her up

2020-02-02 07:51:06 UTC  

So when visiting one day we drove out to NH to get her some

2020-02-02 07:51:25 UTC  

I always get a kick out of how NH has liquor outlets on the highway.

2020-02-02 07:51:42 UTC  

they are also the only state that has NO seatbelt laws.

2020-02-02 07:52:03 UTC  

I got a Kick out of it that it was first Building I saw when we got up there

2020-02-02 07:52:10 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:52:29 UTC  
2020-02-02 07:52:32 UTC  

I mean it's is a great place to put it

2020-02-02 07:52:54 UTC  

Since it's right over the State lines

2020-02-02 07:53:22 UTC  

The southern New Englanders can cross the border for their booze

2020-02-02 07:54:18 UTC  

I also love that in NH they don't care what lane the trucks are in.

2020-02-02 07:54:35 UTC  

also the only state I know of that is like that as well.

2020-02-02 07:56:31 UTC  

I would totally move down to NH if it wasn't so close to mass and being over taken by people moveing up form there.

2020-02-02 07:57:42 UTC  

From what I heard that NH was Restructuring the Voting Laws so that Massholes can't Vote in their Elections anymore

2020-02-02 07:57:51 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:58:12 UTC  

I like the idea of saying "you have to live here for a few years before you can vote"