Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 673435292040036352

2020-02-02 07:45:47 UTC  

And if you don't live there you don't pay the VAT

2020-02-02 07:45:53 UTC  

where a sales tax effects everyone who shops there, so another reason VAT taxes are dumb.

2020-02-02 07:45:55 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:46:29 UTC  

Sorry little tired

2020-02-02 07:46:32 UTC  

I think both sales tax and VAT are dumb. They're relics of socialist reforms.

2020-02-02 07:47:01 UTC  

where I live people drive sometimes over 3 hours down form canada to go shoping because the taxes are better, and then they also have to pay a tax when they go back into canada on any stuff they bought anyway!

2020-02-02 07:48:08 UTC  

I feel like the taxes should be delt with on a town level, how the town does it i don't care.
then the towns send some money to the state, and the state sends some money to the federal level.
would make several problems just go away.

2020-02-02 07:48:24 UTC  

Sounds like Me when I drove up to New Hampshire just to get Whiskey

2020-02-02 07:48:29 UTC  

It would eliminate so many meaningless jobs, too.

2020-02-02 07:48:35 UTC  

But that's exactly why it won't happen.

2020-02-02 07:48:41 UTC  

ahh, you aren't a Masshole are you Ordis?

2020-02-02 07:49:11 UTC  

(liveing in mass and being a masshole are not the same thing)

2020-02-02 07:49:13 UTC  

No, I'm a New Yorker who wants to hang our Governor

2020-02-02 07:49:29 UTC  

wait, you drove form NY all the way into NH for booze?

2020-02-02 07:49:43 UTC  

you must have been in the north east of NY then?

2020-02-02 07:49:50 UTC  

Well my mom was working in Massachusetts

2020-02-02 07:50:02 UTC  

In the Boston area

2020-02-02 07:50:33 UTC  

Boston sucks, but i know the area well enough i think.
drove truck down there all the time.

2020-02-02 07:50:38 UTC  

My dad gets her Bourbon and Whiskey to Cheer her up

2020-02-02 07:51:06 UTC  

So when visiting one day we drove out to NH to get her some

2020-02-02 07:51:25 UTC  

I always get a kick out of how NH has liquor outlets on the highway.

2020-02-02 07:51:42 UTC  

they are also the only state that has NO seatbelt laws.

2020-02-02 07:52:03 UTC  

I got a Kick out of it that it was first Building I saw when we got up there

2020-02-02 07:52:10 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:52:29 UTC  
2020-02-02 07:52:32 UTC  

I mean it's is a great place to put it

2020-02-02 07:52:54 UTC  

Since it's right over the State lines

2020-02-02 07:53:22 UTC  

The southern New Englanders can cross the border for their booze

2020-02-02 07:54:18 UTC  

I also love that in NH they don't care what lane the trucks are in.

2020-02-02 07:54:35 UTC  

also the only state I know of that is like that as well.

2020-02-02 07:56:31 UTC  

I would totally move down to NH if it wasn't so close to mass and being over taken by people moveing up form there.

2020-02-02 07:57:42 UTC  

From what I heard that NH was Restructuring the Voting Laws so that Massholes can't Vote in their Elections anymore

2020-02-02 07:57:51 UTC  


2020-02-02 07:58:12 UTC  

I like the idea of saying "you have to live here for a few years before you can vote"

2020-02-02 07:58:37 UTC  

hopefully the massholes just forget to setup to vote by the time they can.

2020-02-02 07:58:46 UTC  

Like I remember hearing that people from Massachusetts had like residences up there that during election day they cross the border to meddle in their Elections

2020-02-02 07:59:13 UTC  

oh you ment like that....
still woo, just a little less woo.

2020-02-02 07:59:52 UTC  

and i'm sure the people form mass do that.
the are like the NYC of new englend.

2020-02-02 08:04:26 UTC  

So looking it up basically somewhere along the lines Republicans won the Executive branch of New Hampshire

2020-02-02 08:07:57 UTC  

Though in the 2018 election was where the Republicans lost the Majority in the State Senate and the Congress but it kind of werid in 2016 that Republicans won but they still had Democrat as Senators of the Federal Senate

2020-02-02 08:08:18 UTC  

And their Electoral votes going to Hillary