Message from @Harrybaxter♫♫♩♫‿◦

Discord ID: 680926549343862796

2020-02-22 18:44:00 UTC  

Let us never forget Big Dick Jack who Domed a retard shooting up his Church With One Shot from 50 feet with a fuckin Pistol. American Hero

2020-02-22 18:51:39 UTC  

Guess what yank fags bernie > trump

2020-02-22 19:00:26 UTC  

Lmao, Doubt

2020-02-22 20:00:03 UTC  

Guessing thats trigger all the pol tards in the chat.

2020-02-22 20:59:40 UTC  

first results in:

2020-02-22 20:59:41 UTC  

Sanders 312 42.4 105 51.2 12 0
Buttigieg 38 5.2 0 0.0 0 0
Warren 63 8.6 0 0.0 0 0
Biden 159 21.6 74 36.1 12 0
Klobuchar 36 4.9 0 0.0 0 0
Steyer 114 15.5 24 11.7 10 0

2020-02-22 21:00:07 UTC  
2020-02-22 22:47:01 UTC  

Sanders 1,997 45.1 2,048 54.7 364 0
Biden 713 16.1 598 16.0 129 0
Buttigieg 446 10.1 321 8.6 38 0
Warren 526 11.9 371 9.9 54 0
Steyer 449 10.1 316 8.4 60 0
Klobuchar 231 5.2 81 2.2 8 0
Gabbard 13 0.3 0 0.0 0 0

2020-02-22 22:47:04 UTC  


2020-02-22 22:47:27 UTC  

I hope this pace isn't going to stay like this all night

2020-02-22 22:51:10 UTC Hunter Avallone vs Prince Hubris

2020-02-22 22:54:53 UTC  

Daily reminder that Bernie is a retard.

2020-02-22 22:58:04 UTC come and join us to mock the NV primary!

2020-02-22 23:57:42 UTC  

Has the NV Caucus started yet.

2020-02-22 23:58:06 UTC  

bernie is ahead

2020-02-23 00:03:02 UTC  

stay out of the election so they dont see you helped me

2020-02-23 00:03:04 UTC  

fellow comrade

2020-02-23 00:03:34 UTC  

mini mike

2020-02-23 00:13:15 UTC  

I thought he just shortened it to Mini.

2020-02-23 00:54:48 UTC  

Remember that advertisement that tried to suggest right wingers were out trying to run down minority kids in a pickup truck?

2020-02-23 00:54:56 UTC  

Every day that passes, the more it's confirmed that the story spun by the medior propagandists is an absolutely upside down backwards version of real life.

2020-02-23 00:56:08 UTC  

but the bernie supporters running down republican tents in vans are fine

2020-02-23 00:56:48 UTC  

“Shot himself”

2020-02-23 00:57:16 UTC  

jeffery epstein? you mean phillip haney?

2020-02-23 01:00:23 UTC  

"Trump is a corrupt tyrant, he fired that whistleblower!"

2020-02-23 01:00:52 UTC  
2020-02-23 01:15:41 UTC  

"He also believes that, if the Obama Administration had maintained this database, several mass shootings, including the **December 2015 Orlando, FL nightclub massacre** and the June 2016 San Bernardino, CA mass shooting could have been prevented."

2020-02-23 01:16:17 UTC  

Funny that, since the shooter wasn't shown to be an affiliate of any specific terrorist group, merely a self-hating gay muslim

2020-02-23 01:16:41 UTC Had to look them up here, after reading that bit

2020-02-23 01:17:39 UTC  

Still, sketch as fuck, this dude getting shot up

2020-02-23 01:19:40 UTC  

if that's what happened