Message from @Mikey

Discord ID: 664463469147324417

2020-01-08 13:37:58 UTC  

You have no right to ANYTHJNG

2020-01-08 13:38:02 UTC  

if you live in iran you still have free speech... its just not protected

2020-01-08 13:38:03 UTC  

anything can be taken from you

2020-01-08 13:38:04 UTC  

Because different countries are more or less tyrannical. That doesn't mean they grant different rights. An inslamic state that prevents freedom of expression is directly treading on the basic right to such a thing.

2020-01-08 13:38:25 UTC  

that's the state of nature communists seek to return to, PeP

2020-01-08 13:38:32 UTC  

But in a society the govt says “you have the right to this”

2020-01-08 13:38:38 UTC  

That’s where rights come from

2020-01-08 13:39:12 UTC  

It's because of liberalism and the philosophy that was born in England rather than government grants us this

2020-01-08 13:39:12 UTC  

the gov can only say, we will protect this specific right

2020-01-08 13:39:30 UTC  

Eh not gonna get anywhere with this

2020-01-08 13:39:36 UTC  

Gonna agree to disagree

2020-01-08 13:39:44 UTC  

we have the right to defend ourselves in the UK... the gov just doesnt protect this right

2020-01-08 13:39:51 UTC  

But we didn’t even have a CONCEPT of rights for most of the worlds history

2020-01-08 13:40:00 UTC  

It’s all just created

2020-01-08 13:40:02 UTC  

yet they still existed

2020-01-08 13:40:10 UTC  

But they were just there

2020-01-08 13:40:16 UTC  

It’s not a “right”

2020-01-08 13:40:20 UTC  

they were just infringed upen

2020-01-08 13:40:22 UTC  

Obviously your life exists

2020-01-08 13:40:26 UTC  

The question of whether rights are man-made or not is abstract, and rather pointless

2020-01-08 13:40:36 UTC  

English liberalism would argue that these rights have always existed, it was just down to the enlightenment to make sure those rights were protected rather than threatened

2020-01-08 13:40:40 UTC  

Ya Eccles is right tbh

2020-01-08 13:40:47 UTC  

I feel like we are just arguing semantics

2020-01-08 13:41:05 UTC  

its not semantics.. its very specific

2020-01-08 13:41:18 UTC  

Whatever wacka

2020-01-08 13:41:22 UTC  

A right is man made

2020-01-08 13:41:24 UTC  

It's more an argument of philosophy. I take the Lockean stance of natural "God given" rights.

2020-01-08 13:41:25 UTC  

a right is something you yourself can do

2020-01-08 13:41:27 UTC  

whether it's semantics or not, it's not important

2020-01-08 13:41:31 UTC  

Life itself obviously isn’t man made

2020-01-08 13:41:36 UTC  

But defining that as a right

2020-01-08 13:41:38 UTC  

Is man made

2020-01-08 13:41:55 UTC  

I have a right to move my arm in the air

2020-01-08 13:42:05 UTC  

the gov didnt have to legislate for this

2020-01-08 13:42:19 UTC  

I feel like we are arguing different things now tbh

2020-01-08 13:42:28 UTC  

the gov could legislate.. and say, we are no longer allowing people to move their arms

2020-01-08 13:42:50 UTC  

they havent just created a right... theyve only infringed on an existing right

2020-01-08 13:42:54 UTC  

The whole backbone of what England grew to be is built off the fact that English philosophy sees rights as natural and not man made. Removing something like this opens the door to tyranny, which is why America has their rights, which in tern are taken from the English Bill of rights and other works, enshrined into a written constitution

2020-01-08 13:44:14 UTC  

so healthcare, welfare, education... none of these are rights... they are all "privileges"

2020-01-08 13:44:27 UTC  

that we should be thankful for

2020-01-08 13:45:25 UTC  

It's entirely a philosophy argument, which is why you see banning certain cigarettes as good and I don't. I see it as a stance of an overbearing government, when English liberalism is one that demands and works best with a small government that's here to near enough only protect those rights you're born with. Because of this being born with said rights, it leads us to see other nations that tread on them as tyrannical and morally wrong and infringing on the natural rights of man