Message from @PureEvilPie

Discord ID: 667703773535404035

2020-01-17 12:14:21 UTC  

Celebrate with raining remainers

2020-01-17 12:14:24 UTC  

Boris could pay for it

2020-01-17 12:14:30 UTC  

With his fucking pocket change

2020-01-17 12:14:46 UTC  

But the mouth breathers brexiteers will donate money for it lmao

2020-01-17 12:14:55 UTC  

So stupid lmao

2020-01-17 12:15:08 UTC  

It doesn't look like they are going to be able to raise the money for it anyway

2020-01-17 12:15:11 UTC  


2020-01-17 12:15:19 UTC  

It gave me hope that only wacka was dumb enough

2020-01-17 12:15:23 UTC  

Not many others

2020-01-17 12:15:34 UTC  

who said I was donating?

2020-01-17 12:15:39 UTC  

You realise that money was always likey to go to Help For Heroes, right?

2020-01-17 12:15:44 UTC  

I had no intention of donating

2020-01-17 12:15:47 UTC  

Then donate to help for heroes

2020-01-17 12:15:53 UTC  

Not for Boris to bong a clock

2020-01-17 12:16:02 UTC  

It’s not complex

2020-01-17 12:16:04 UTC  

Stop being odious.

2020-01-17 12:16:08 UTC  

thats the cool thing about freedom can want others to have freedom to do things that you have no interest in

2020-01-17 12:16:13 UTC  

its a pretty cool thing

2020-01-17 12:16:15 UTC  


2020-01-17 12:16:19 UTC  

The cool thing about freedom

2020-01-17 12:16:24 UTC  

Is I can call stupid people stupid

2020-01-17 12:16:30 UTC  

For doing stupid things lmao

2020-01-17 12:16:38 UTC  

So we are all free 😄

2020-01-17 12:16:41 UTC  

I’m just smarter 🙂

2020-01-17 12:17:22 UTC  

and Im free to call you out on reveling in authoritarianism

2020-01-17 12:17:33 UTC  

What authoritarianism

2020-01-17 12:17:38 UTC  

What are you ducking on about

2020-01-17 12:17:40 UTC  

They tried it

2020-01-17 12:17:43 UTC  

They didn’t get the money

2020-01-17 12:17:46 UTC  

So they cancelled it

2020-01-17 12:18:01 UTC  

Are you brain dead, I didn’t realise I had the power to change govt decisions like that

2020-01-17 12:18:03 UTC  

Maybe we should have another referendum on it

2020-01-17 12:19:07 UTC  

you tend to hate anything thats an act of freedom or independence

2020-01-17 12:19:10 UTC  

I wish I could donate money to magically have the London Crossrail built right now

2020-01-17 12:19:25 UTC  

I guess I’m too authoritarian though because I can’t :(life

2020-01-17 12:19:32 UTC  

of course you can

2020-01-17 12:20:00 UTC  

anyone is free to voluntarily pay extra tax

2020-01-17 12:20:13 UTC  

People wanted a bit of fun, but you are getting really riled up by how they chose to have it. Does it hurt you that they wanted Big Ben to bong, even if the money cold be better spent elsewhere? Do you engage in no frivolities, with your excesses going only to worthy causes?

2020-01-17 12:22:16 UTC  

I just love how triggered people were getting about it

2020-01-17 12:22:23 UTC  

Like it doesn't fucking matter either way

2020-01-17 12:24:57 UTC  

It really doesn't. I only started wanting it to happen because of people getting nasty about it. Personally don't see the point.