Message from @GalaxyBrainer

Discord ID: 675124544633307137

2020-02-06 23:37:06 UTC  

I disagree

2020-02-06 23:37:15 UTC  

it's not freedom to be blocked out of somewhere for no reason

2020-02-06 23:37:18 UTC  

which is it lizard

2020-02-06 23:37:44 UTC  

Yes, But you don't have the right to enter that place if it is owned by someone else

2020-02-06 23:38:02 UTC  

It's not freedom to be able to walk into anyone's property

2020-02-06 23:38:04 UTC  

That is anarchy

2020-02-06 23:38:08 UTC  

i agree

2020-02-06 23:38:22 UTC  

but if you run a public business then surely your customers should be free to enter

2020-02-06 23:38:28 UTC  

They are

2020-02-06 23:38:45 UTC  

But you have the right to evict any of them from that business for any reason

2020-02-06 23:38:53 UTC  

so, scenario

2020-02-06 23:38:57 UTC  

As the owner of the business that is your right

2020-02-06 23:40:34 UTC  

it's your first time going to this store, that's just opened, you've heard of. you've had no previous interactions with anyone involved. the moment you set foot in, the shop forces you back out.
assume this logic can apply to monopolistic agencies (for example if youtube or twitter were somehow representable and implementable in this manner) or essentials (life-threatening: inhalers, essential medicine to prevent a death, etc.).

this is justified behaviour by your logic?

2020-02-06 23:41:18 UTC  

Only if they are private businesses

2020-02-06 23:41:23 UTC  

then i rest my case

2020-02-06 23:41:45 UTC  

We can easily have a few nationalised businesses for basic services that can be paid for using taxes

2020-02-06 23:42:34 UTC  

assume that in said example that it could be the only one of it's kind, the only supplier of that thing or it's urgent and this was the most local one

2020-02-06 23:43:14 UTC  

Then i would still have to maintain my belief that it is ultimately up to the business owner to decide if they were going to supply said product

2020-02-06 23:43:38 UTC  

that's not the option in the scenario i described

2020-02-06 23:43:47 UTC  

the scenario i described depicts being instantly removed on entry

2020-02-06 23:43:54 UTC  

is this justified in these circumstances, yes or no

2020-02-06 23:43:58 UTC  


2020-02-06 23:44:13 UTC  

congratulations on being the first community-appointed anarcho-capitalist. i am going to bed.

2020-02-06 23:44:13 UTC  

The business owner should still maintain their right to evict someone for any reason

2020-02-06 23:44:18 UTC  

The problem is that you are creating a scenario so specific that it is pretty much in the realms of fantasy

2020-02-06 23:45:40 UTC  

The chances of their being a very rare product that is needed for life that only one local store has and you are evicted from that store for no reason are next to none

2020-02-06 23:46:35 UTC  

You could use an equally specific scenario to find flaws in any system

2020-02-06 23:50:22 UTC  

Muh freedom to bum kids

2020-02-06 23:50:26 UTC  

Okay nonce

2020-02-06 23:50:30 UTC  

Stop being gay

2020-02-06 23:51:00 UTC  

I have never advocated that

2020-02-06 23:51:21 UTC  

Thought you were for freedom

2020-02-06 23:51:30 UTC  

Or are you a authoritarian

2020-02-06 23:51:51 UTC  

You don't have the freedom to act against someone else's wishes

2020-02-06 23:52:05 UTC  

Especially if said person is too young to consent

2020-02-06 23:53:10 UTC  

Should people pay tax

2020-02-06 23:53:22 UTC  

And what should the state do to people that don't pay tax

2020-02-06 23:53:54 UTC  

I.e they don't "consent" to the 'societal contract'

2020-02-06 23:54:36 UTC  

People should pay tax on what they earn and if they refuse to then the State should take it forcibly

2020-02-06 23:55:19 UTC  

So people aren't allowed to seperate themselves from the state

2020-02-06 23:55:22 UTC  

Taxation is theft in my view but it is necessary theft for the greater good of society