Message from @TheCaledonian

Discord ID: 675240803831906314

2020-02-07 01:37:49 UTC  

Nintendo announced they aren't getting any shipments from China... Losing $2m a day

2020-02-07 01:42:20 UTC  

And the Dr who first reported about coronavirus died

2020-02-07 02:39:44 UTC  

I got uni friend in Shanghai... he says streets empty

2020-02-07 06:40:00 UTC  

> Firstly, a tax is a compulsory payment levied by the government on its citizens and various business firms. ... On the other hand, a fee is a voluntary payment to the government for the special services rendered by it in the public interest, but conferring a specific advantage on the person paying it.

2020-02-07 07:17:34 UTC  


2020-02-07 07:17:49 UTC  

Taxation is necessary for any society to function

2020-02-07 07:17:56 UTC  

It's not theft

2020-02-07 07:18:11 UTC  

sure it is... gov't totally wouldn't abuse the concept of "fees" to get more tax money or nothing.

2020-02-07 07:19:04 UTC  

The government is able to abuse it because people are docile

2020-02-07 07:19:38 UTC  

Maybe so caledonian but should it be forced taxation by jsut taking it out of peoples earnings? Whats wrong with sales taxation as the primary... means the gov't won't be able to jsut raise taxes willy nilly they have to prove it's benefiting the economy.

2020-02-07 07:20:25 UTC  


2020-02-07 07:20:59 UTC  

Who will willingly pay taxes, even to a good government

2020-02-07 07:21:12 UTC  

It won't happen en masse

2020-02-07 07:21:30 UTC  

And then the government will rely on other means of funding or just collapse

2020-02-07 07:22:31 UTC  

But people in here are tactical anarchists or libertarians but rely on their ideal government to uphold their arbitrary freedoms

2020-02-07 07:22:47 UTC  


2020-02-07 07:23:46 UTC  

More freedom doesnt make a society better by that metric alone

2020-02-07 07:24:22 UTC  

We technically live in the most politically free era of human history where we live

2020-02-07 07:24:46 UTC  

And it has causes decay and degeneration

2020-02-07 07:25:11 UTC  

Family life, Order and Prosperity need to be upheld

2020-02-07 07:25:53 UTC  

Not 'Human Rights' jotted down on someones notebook

2020-02-07 07:26:32 UTC  

Rights are *only* for the native ethnos population of a region/nation

2020-02-07 07:27:27 UTC  

If they become global or universal they get basterdised and deliberately misused to harm someone or a group

2020-02-07 07:31:27 UTC  

I dont really care if, let's say, China has muh liberty

2020-02-07 07:31:42 UTC  

Nor would I want to give them it

2020-02-07 07:31:58 UTC  

They should strive for a system that works for them

2020-02-07 07:32:09 UTC  

And China has always been totalitarian

2020-02-07 07:33:06 UTC  

Not every group in this world is capable to even comceptulise a liberal democracy which you lot so crave

2020-02-07 07:33:25 UTC  

Nevermind uphold one if they got it forced upon them

2020-02-07 08:03:44 UTC  

lol, Julie Bindel has gone red pilled

2020-02-07 08:07:12 UTC  

You can't live off sales taxes alone

2020-02-07 08:08:15 UTC  

Income taxes are a pragmatic solution to the dual needs of a) government needing money to fund it's purposes (core + decided upon by democratic process) and b) to provide a means of preventing excessing collection of wealth in the hands of ever fewer people

2020-02-07 08:40:21 UTC  

"You can't live off sales taxes alone
" I bet to all shit I sure can live off it! Gov't can't live in the lap of luxury without it you mean.

The United States managed it for well over 100 years until the creation of the Fed. It's perfectly capable if the gov't is not regularly massively overspending. Even at that end what gives gov't a right to take your earned property just because they claim they need it more than you, for you. There needs to be alternative methods besides allowing gov't to just take your property for their own needs.

The only people who say "it can't be done" are those who 1) want "free" shit 2) who like the idea that they can make others do something for their own benefit(need to control others)
I love your point B) --oh right the gov't will stop "few" people from collecting "excessive" wealth by being a group of few people who take everyones money and collect excessive wealth. That's pretty funny actually.

It's not necessary to give it up without free will. (US war bonds in WWI are a fine example) I think you're getting pragmatic and idealistic mixed up. All income taxation does is it concentrates power into a small group who will more than likely abuse it for their own excessive monetary benefit and their own power benefits with no possible way to tell them to get their acts together you create classes that can't be touched except in the most extreme methods.

2020-02-07 09:15:31 UTC  

canonically, the "licence fee" is a tax because it's imposed by force. It would be a fee if we could choose to subscribe to the BBC without it being bound to accessing a technology

2020-02-07 09:15:50 UTC  

Imagine there was a "internet licence fee" that you had to pay to BT in order to access the internet

2020-02-07 09:16:31 UTC  

despite using a service that wasn't in anyway related to BT - for example, using Virgin Coax or one of the newer ISPs that do not use BT backbones.

2020-02-07 10:06:20 UTC  

Shamima Begum is back in business apparently

2020-02-07 10:30:19 UTC  

Accepting that taxes and death are necessary is part of growing up, and clearly, y'all aren't grown up.

2020-02-07 10:45:46 UTC  

"Wahhhhhhhhh why do I have to pay taxes"

2020-02-07 10:45:52 UTC  

Oh I dunno, to keep the country running I guess