Message from @Jason Scefing

Discord ID: 675857057487781898

2020-02-08 23:10:53 UTC  

if that is representative of the outcome

2020-02-08 23:11:05 UTC  

then they'll just be stuck in political deadlock until the next election

2020-02-08 23:11:19 UTC  

since everyone will block everything they don't like

2020-02-08 23:11:40 UTC  

because modern politics, for some reason, is not about "what can we do" it's about "what should we stop/ban"

2020-02-08 23:29:30 UTC  

Yank that wants to know more about Irish Politics. I know of Sinn Fein. What are the other two winners in terms of Leanings

2020-02-08 23:40:59 UTC  

mate we in the uk don't even know. fine gael i think are the current leading party, they're kinda like conservatives but ...i guess, lite? idk about the other one

2020-02-08 23:50:17 UTC  

Fine Gael leading 0.1% they are a centrist party who the left call tories

2020-02-08 23:50:56 UTC  

they are the current gov, Finnian Fail are the more left leaning party, they splinter'd from Sinn Fein many years ago

2020-02-08 23:51:20 UTC  

they held the government position before the current Fine Gael gov

2020-02-08 23:57:08 UTC  


2020-02-08 23:57:31 UTC  

They seem as conservative as Our Republicans

2020-02-09 00:03:20 UTC  

Is this Republic of Ireland or Northern?

2020-02-09 00:11:00 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:11:20 UTC  

Seems Labour isn’t popular in Ireland

2020-02-09 00:11:39 UTC  

All the Irish parties are pretty gay

2020-02-09 00:13:04 UTC  

I knew the West was going to end when Ireland, a nation that has been Christian for a bit, legalized Abortion

2020-02-09 00:13:06 UTC  

Not much better here but at least characters like Farage, Corbyn and BoJo have added a bit of spice

2020-02-09 00:14:06 UTC  

All western countries are car crashes in progress

2020-02-09 00:14:24 UTC  

And we’re doing it to ourselves

2020-02-09 00:14:39 UTC  

Are we? 🤔

2020-02-09 00:15:12 UTC  

They are doing it to Us

2020-02-09 00:15:18 UTC  

The average European wants to kick out all muslims etc

2020-02-09 00:15:31 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:15:38 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:15:49 UTC  

Most Europeans are just duped

2020-02-09 00:16:01 UTC  

O’er here, it’s the 2%

2020-02-09 00:16:18 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:17:07 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:17:28 UTC  

Over in Europe that ***certain minority group*** also plays its part but the effect of our consuming US liberal propaganda wholesale is the main cause.

2020-02-09 00:18:28 UTC  

The US acts as the vehicle for exporting their messages to the rest of the western world.

2020-02-09 00:20:18 UTC  

American Jews are 2% of the Population, but 100 out of the 400 wealthiest people are Jewish

2020-02-09 00:21:01 UTC  

More importantly they exert total cultural control over the rest of the elite class

2020-02-09 00:21:33 UTC  

More often than not they marry into the wealthy Gentile families

2020-02-09 00:21:39 UTC  

Case in point: Donald Trump

2020-02-09 00:45:00 UTC  


2020-02-09 00:45:10 UTC  

Chat is got some powerful energy rn

2020-02-09 01:01:23 UTC  

@Omar_The_OMAP Northern Ireland is the UK so no it's Ireland election. Though when stuff happens here in NI no one gives a shit in here tbh.

2020-02-09 01:11:43 UTC  

> One diplomat was quoted in the Financial Times saying anonymously that the WHO felt it had to downplay the virus in line with China's wishes "until its position became untenable" due to the fact that China is a major donor to the WHO.

2020-02-09 01:12:15 UTC  

nice to know the WHO is Xi's bitch