Message from @kreggur
Discord ID: 679661426322833429
I had a manichean character who had a 112 combat ability and was called slayer of the bedouin
he died because of stress
because of course he did
yeah sometimes the rng just fucks you over
i've had characters at age 40 something die of "natural causes"
the game just generates a random invisible health stat at the generation, so you don't really know what your actual health is
got insanely lucky with this guy though. throughout his life he managed to create an empire title, reform hellenism, create a warrior lodge and become the leader of it, fabricate a claim on the bloodline of Alexander the Great and get a daughter with the child of destiny trait
I almost got the alexander the great bloodline as a varangian
that would have been epic
but he died in battle
there's an achievement if you manage to get five historical bloodlines on your character, but i'm not sure Alexander's bloodline counts towards that
it's not really an historical bloodline in the same sense since it's created through an event, rather than inherited through an existing character
alexander is not on there as far as I cna tell
Yeah figured
I would look in what it was but the fact that the wiki is white and that im currently suffering from the plague or something doesnt help
yeha it's a special bloodline
Got Attila and Solomon amongst my dynasty members so far, but haven't really secured them in the main family tree
there is an inherit bloodline mod which makes everyone inherit bloodlines from their parents I have messed around with it quite a bit
and especially combined with the mongols it lead to bloodline chaos
You mean like patrilineal and matrilineal doesn't matter? Or how do you mean
Must lead to some insanely powerful characters
or a king of france that is related to genghis khan Basicly D&D but the GM is a derpy learning AI 😛
(bet it will allow you to take the maxim) 😛
Your character is such a chad he's the son of the Hellenic Ultragod
All the gods have coalesced into one horrific abomination of olympian rage
Zeus, the Cum Dynamo, that fucker with the lightning bolt-action, found a way to unbirth the gods back into himself and then fucked your character's mother
What in the fuck
completely off topic but the communists on the r/place clone were helped by the dev
he let them use proxies, and banned their opposition