Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 679881441483423790

2020-02-20 01:34:01 UTC  

Plus the communist subversion of academia and msm

2020-02-20 01:34:21 UTC  

Same as Europe, I'm not under any illusions

2020-02-20 01:43:10 UTC  

To do so, you don't cut military expenditures, rather you deregulate where necessary to ensure adequate competition, wage growth, and development. Eliminating price controls on labor, for example, would help with development in impoverished communities, ensuring they're able to catch up with post-industrial economies within the U.S.

In conjunction, there should be a repeal of the 17th Amendment, optionally. However, necessarily, the Social Security fund should be dissolved by transferring a total amount of that which has been paid in and obligated to T-Bonds. This will allow those who've paid in to collect a coupon, of interest, on the total amount they've ever paid in, each month. Likewise, this will keep spending up, as Social Security payments are responsible for a large amount of cyclical consumption in the economy, meaning we won't experience a contraction. Further, the monies now freed up will allow the government to meet all obligations, and it will release those monies into the supply, which are already accounted for in circulation, but will now instead be accessible and flowing through the economy, expanding the money market and lowering the cost to borrow. This will act as a large stimulus for the economy, releasing trillions in capital that's currently held by the government that can now be utilized in the private industries for expansion. As explained before, this is money already accounted for in the total money supply, thus it will not cause inflation.

During this process, you will want to undergo a pension reform, and because Social Security is now dissolved, you can now eliminate pay-roll and other taxes, no longer requiring concern for a 4.3 trillion/annual obligation in the deficit, which simultaneously will expand the economy. Likewise, at lower rates of taxation, you will collect a larger amount in revenue, and the above processes taking place will greatly expand wages, lower production costs and consumer prices, bringing back production.

2020-02-20 01:44:57 UTC  

A portion of the revenue, now that the deficit is over, should be expended toward the military, keeping money markets liquid. This is important to ensure we retain our status as the world reserve currency, as it requires running a deficit and strong property rights. I'd like to expand military expenditures to an upward of 2 trillion under this direction, which will ensure we have everything we need for space and defensive systems in the event we must go to war with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, @Sq crcl. We would be able to do so without any risk. The Chinese economy would also collapse under the weight of a US economy this efficient, by the way. The world would no longer have much need for their supply-chains, as everything would be produced more efficiently here.

2020-02-20 02:03:57 UTC  

Sorry, let's return to this later.

2020-02-20 02:06:39 UTC  


"Shanghai rents may have to rise!
The government has ruled that group rents are not allowed, and staff have begun to clean up group rents.
Just ask! Who wants to rent in groups? Isn't it because of living in Shanghai and the economic burden is too heavy? !! The rent is so expensive, where do you let others live?
——Relevant departments decided the policy by taking pictures of their brains, and did not consider it for low-income groups at all.

" If you are asked to isolate, you must isolate. Because they want money! Life is worthless to them, worse than ants. This is the management model of the Chinese government. "

2020-02-20 02:08:45 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:09:20 UTC  

Its worse than they say

2020-02-20 02:11:58 UTC  

This is what happens when totalitarian regimes are involved with outbreaks of deadly diseases.

2020-02-20 02:17:26 UTC  

"2 ppl were confirmed having #CoronaVirus and **died within hrs** of the official announcement."

2020-02-20 02:17:37 UTC  


2020-02-20 02:39:46 UTC

2020-02-20 02:42:16 UTC

2020-02-20 02:45:47 UTC  

There's quite a few types of Coronavirus

2020-02-20 02:46:07 UTC  

One even managed it's way to Indiana of all places

2020-02-20 02:46:41 UTC  

And one made it to the Netherlands

2020-02-20 03:01:56 UTC  

A little birdy told me the city of wuhan has been abandoned and fully sealed, not even food goes in

2020-02-20 03:02:10 UTC  

Chernobyl is piss ants compared to this

2020-02-20 03:03:59 UTC  

Chernobyl could only get so bad.

2020-02-20 03:07:15 UTC

2020-02-20 03:17:00 UTC  

UK court rules Islamic faith marriages invalid under English law, prompting fears Muslim women’s rights now at risk

2020-02-20 03:17:44 UTC  


2020-02-20 03:18:00 UTC  

‘They forgot about the clock expert?’ Excuses for spiraling Big Ben costs provokes bemusement and anger online

2020-02-20 03:32:59 UTC  

And thats how you get ants

2020-02-20 03:33:50 UTC  

remember that time you had communist china help fight the US on your soil, buckos.

2020-02-20 03:34:15 UTC  

People noping the fuck out.

2020-02-20 03:43:22 UTC  

Remember that the first war Vietnam fought after the Americans left... was China. Vietnam won.

2020-02-20 03:43:26 UTC  

Against Tanks

2020-02-20 06:50:26 UTC  
2020-02-20 07:15:38 UTC  

Saw that. The link said nine dead, I clicked it and the headline already said ten <:GWaobloChildPepeSweat:407618812217917451>