Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 681643008671744021

2020-02-24 22:59:24 UTC  

They would if they can't accept that they share a common thing with Hitler.

2020-02-24 22:59:40 UTC  

Hitler drank water meme exists for a reason

2020-02-24 23:00:23 UTC  

It's all about propaganda. Of you can make it a facism vs socialism argument facism looks less awful. I mean the commies do the same thing by calling themselves anti-fascist. Basically they're the top contenders in the horrible idea market.

2020-02-24 23:02:15 UTC  

I mean, the only reason I say “capitalism and communism are the same side of the coin!” Is simply to point out the retarded logic of horseshoe theory. “Hur dur nazis had a economic policy kinda sorta like USSR lmao they’re the same”

2020-02-24 23:03:09 UTC  

And the thing is that classical liberals most definitely play the same game as the communists and fascists then. After all, they clearly say they’re against fascism, and that antifa are the real fascists

2020-02-24 23:04:04 UTC  

I’m not a “fascist” so I don’t have a dog in this fight, I simply hate the retarded horseshoe logic of “ALL OF MY ENEMEIES ARE THE EXACT SAME ROFL!!11”

2020-02-24 23:04:12 UTC  

@snake Give them a taste of their own medicine

2020-02-24 23:04:25 UTC  
2020-02-24 23:05:22 UTC  

For a group based on “nuance”, they lack it here.

2020-02-24 23:08:35 UTC
> McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join the Republicans for Antifa Club

2020-02-24 23:10:13 UTC  

@snake One of the reasons why some Nazis disagree with TIK so vehemently is because they don't want to believe that their glorious Fuhrer was wrong on something fundamental to his ideology. TIK steelmans, then deconstructs, and finally criticizes Hitler's idea of the "shrinking markets".

2020-02-24 23:12:30 UTC  

Maybe that’s the case, Idk I’m not a hitleritie. But even if I was, o.k. He was wrong on economics, surely that’s not why they like him right?

2020-02-24 23:12:32 UTC  

If the shrinking markets are wrong, then Hitler was wrong to fight the war.
But it goes much further than that. Nazis hate the Jews, that's fundamental to the ideology. And the reason why they hate the Jews is because they consider them "capitalist parasites". Therefore eliminating the Jews is a good thing in a Nazi's eyes. TIK poses a problem to the Nazis by explaining that capitalism is in fact the solution, not the problem. But Nazis can't have that, because they hate the Jews.

2020-02-24 23:13:11 UTC  

yeah that makes sense actually. Basically communism but the Jews are the rich that need to be eaten?

2020-02-24 23:13:17 UTC  

Yep, exactly.

2020-02-24 23:13:35 UTC  

To be more precise, in communism it's also the Jews, but not only the Jews.

2020-02-24 23:13:54 UTC  

Hitler on the other hand thought it was only the Jews. That's why his ideology was racial, unlike that of communism.

2020-02-24 23:20:27 UTC  

Hey, I haven’t been a lolbert in a while, can you explain what’s wrong with “profit is theft” please? @ETBrooD it’s not like I give a shit, I’m half tempted to say “yes, and?” Because idc about if it’s theft or not simply that it’s a better system

2020-02-24 23:21:12 UTC  

Uhm.. I mean

2020-02-24 23:24:59 UTC  

Is profit theft... well, the definition of 'theft' is that someone takes an item of value from someone else without their agreement, or something like that. It is possible to profit from others with their agreement, so profit cannot equate to theft.
Theft, however can turn a profit. So I guess it's a simple fallacy.

2020-02-24 23:25:57 UTC  

It is also possible to profit without anyone else being involved whatsoever. You can profit from your own work all by yourself.

2020-02-24 23:26:23 UTC  

So very clearly profit is not theft in a number of ways.

2020-02-24 23:26:34 UTC  

TL;DR. Profit isn’t theft if it’s voluntary

2020-02-24 23:26:45 UTC  


2020-02-24 23:27:14 UTC  

Stealing for profit is clearly theft, so some forms of turning a profit are theft.

2020-02-24 23:32:36 UTC  

Not 'kinda sorta like the USSR' but basically different versions of the same ideal. In fact Hitler and Stalin stole ideas from each other. Because really putting fascism in the top right quadrant quadrant id just a meme because their economics don't fit.

Which again is where Ford's dumb meme misses the point. You guys both breathe! As though breathing was uncommon. Pointing out that specific and uncommon ideas are shared is the point.

2020-02-24 23:39:05 UTC  

What’s the same ideal? And what ideas did they still from each other, other than economics? @Jym

2020-02-24 23:41:57 UTC  

Socialism. I like Hayek's conception of simply calling them 'Russian Socialism' and 'German Socialism'. But political officers in the military was one thing they model after each other. There are also these funny accidental copies. Like Hitler's plan was to depopulate the Ukraine to gain control of the farmland but Stalin beat him to it with de-kulakization.

2020-02-24 23:48:49 UTC  

Yeah....I said *other* than economics. So socialism doesn’t count. And with Ukraine, Stalin killed them yeah but it was because of shitty policy, whereas the Germans did it on purpose.

You said they had the same **ideal** which they most definitely did not. The Nazi Ideal was one of a Third Reich for the German people to last a thousand years. It was a great nation or realm for the Germans and them only. They would inherit all of Eastern Europe also, to have the prefect master race. The soviets on the other hand wanted a global utopia, where there is no class, race, sex, state or even money. After a workers revolt against capitalists. These are pretty different my guy.

You can say “oh they had the same actions!” But you specifically said they had the same **ideal**. Also, other than economics, what ideas did they copy off each other?

2020-02-24 23:50:41 UTC  

The communists wanted to create a worker's utopia by having the workers seize the means of production.
Hitler wanted to create a race utopia by having the "Aryan race" seize the means of production.

2020-02-24 23:51:25 UTC  

Both is a form of socialism, just a different end goal, but the same fundamental idea.

2020-02-24 23:51:58 UTC  

Same socialist practice of indefinite centralized control over the market.

2020-02-24 23:52:15 UTC  

My point is that one is much more nationalistic, and irredentist, the other is internationalistic globalist. These are important distinctions

2020-02-24 23:52:46 UTC  

Yes. Socialism can happen internationally or nationally. That's why Hitler coined his socialism "national socialism".

2020-02-24 23:53:06 UTC  

And even with that said I don’t think hitler wanted to end all hierarchy and money like the Bolsheviks did.

2020-02-24 23:53:18 UTC  

And he defined his nation as that of a state belonging to the Aryan race.

2020-02-24 23:54:24 UTC  

Hitler didn't want to end hierarchy, he wanted to get rid of the Jews. He thought the only thing that mattered was to "save the Aryan race".

2020-02-24 23:55:10 UTC  

Capitalism was the enemy to his ideology, because he believed in the shrinking markets.

2020-02-24 23:55:15 UTC  

And, I mean, I can be like a super theocrat who claims all atheistic/secular ideologies are the same.

“Hitler didn't want to end hierarchy, he wanted to get rid of the Jews. He thought the only thing that mattered was to "save the Aryan race’”. Yeah, exactly, the commies actually wanted to end hierarchies

2020-02-24 23:55:37 UTC  

Wtf is a shrinking market?, btw

2020-02-24 23:55:42 UTC  

1. Communists advocate for worker control of the means of production, eradication of all hierarchy, including identity, ethnicity, race, gender, sex, class, heritage and history, abolition of Nation states in favor of internationalism and legalization of all kinds of degeneracy. Fascism is culturally Far Right and Economically Centrist, with a Corporatist (different from Corporatocracy) style economy, with military endeavors limited to Irredentism and self defense (Nazis reclaiming greater Germany, for instance).

2. Communists view the Nation state as illegitimate. They want a global world order of a rootless shopping mall, inhabited by hedonist, deracinated, atomized individuals. Fascists are Palingenetic Ultranationalists who see the Nation state as a people tied by culture, history, tradition and blood and an extended family where the people feel they are in the same boat to pursue a greater destiny.

3. Communists are Materialists devoid of any guiding spiritual principles. Fascists see Nations as a Civilization having a grand destiny beyond the Individual and have a vision for the spiritual rebirth of the Nation to achieve this ideal.