Message from @Gustavus Adolphus
Discord ID: 682728840782545072
I don't see it
For me it was reading and learning new things in a quiet and calming environment
rn i don't have time for much of fucking anything
the lesson i have learned is that overachieving in school was a bad idea
I could “relieve myself” in a porta john while someone bashes the door
And yes im one of those if you walked in you asked for the eye contact
To see something through to the end while under high stresses is true victory
they loaded up my second semester with 4 honors classes
and midterms are next week
Bomb it
Don’t actually but if it’s truly too much just do what you can to prep
Sargon is asleep, post Soy milk!
I chose not to go to college but instead work and study in my own time for certifications so i can't relate but maybe rethink your schedule a bit? You aren't stuck
Post food
That's an oof
Well to be far, China’s Incompetent and is causing people to question market, but is a definite curb your meme
people are saying the DOW drop is due to the coronavirus
Well it did
why did they deleted
Itchy ear
@Lewis why is your nose itchy
and why are you breathing manually?
and why can you feel your clothes
why can you feel your toes touching
and your tongue never sits comfortably in your mout
idk there have been at least a couple scares for the DOW but this is probably the only time where the drop has been this significant
i remember when the trade war was causing some panic