Message from @Cameron 13o3

Discord ID: 553028260032675891

2019-03-07 01:34:56 UTC

Ssj tweeted

2019-03-07 01:35:01 UTC


2019-03-07 01:35:03 UTC

who follows him

2019-03-07 01:35:07 UTC

if a women cheats on you, just kill her

2019-03-07 01:35:18 UTC

wait huh

2019-03-07 01:35:21 UTC

200iq strats

2019-03-07 01:35:47 UTC

<:WTFW:528034213023186955> is that u Ted Bundy

2019-03-07 01:35:52 UTC

2019-03-07 01:35:52 UTC

GG @Cameron 13o3, you just advanced to level 14!

2019-03-07 01:35:59 UTC

never let a women tell you want to do

2019-03-07 01:36:04 UTC

I watched a video of a guy in a bathtun smearing shit all over himself and his face, shitting, beating his cock, smearing some more, putting some tube up his ass and jerking off

2019-03-07 01:36:06 UTC

you tell her what to do

2019-03-07 01:36:19 UTC

🐒 smelly

2019-03-07 01:36:21 UTC

2019-03-07 01:36:24 UTC

an if she doesnt start swinging

2019-03-07 01:36:25 UTC

Smelly monky

2019-03-07 01:36:34 UTC


2019-03-07 01:36:35 UTC


2019-03-07 01:36:39 UTC


2019-03-07 01:36:48 UTC

Is it MonkeyS or monkaS?

2019-03-07 01:36:51 UTC


2019-03-07 01:37:07 UTC

2019-03-07 01:37:07 UTC


2019-03-07 01:37:08 UTC

2019-03-07 01:37:32 UTC

@ⅩⅣ - ⅬⅩⅩⅩⅧ correct you win a slave coin!

2019-03-07 01:37:33 UTC

liberals are basically less edgy communists

2019-03-07 01:37:33 UTC

GG @Yang Gang Bang, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-07 01:37:41 UTC

2019-03-07 01:37:45 UTC

is this a pedo discoord guys

2019-03-07 01:37:45 UTC

both should be shot

2019-03-07 01:37:50 UTC


2019-03-07 01:38:01 UTC

trump is a communist

2019-03-07 01:38:04 UTC

socialism is the way 2 go <:pepeFedora:509102133837037598>

2019-03-07 01:38:06 UTC

No pedos 😡

2019-03-07 01:38:09 UTC

commies deserve death

2019-03-07 01:38:11 UTC

No pedos

2019-03-07 01:38:13 UTC

2019-03-07 01:38:16 UTC

socialists deserve death

2019-03-07 01:38:19 UTC

@ⅩⅣ - ⅬⅩⅩⅩⅧ do you want your slave coin?

2019-03-07 01:38:22 UTC


2019-03-07 01:38:30 UTC

anything that strays from capitalism deserves death