Message from @Gustavus Adolphus
Discord ID: 683698531651027010
@Titrainium why would you buy a game on steam not on sale, unless it's a new release
That's your own stupidity
When did I say I bought a steam game off-sale?
You posted a meme I was just responding to the meme
Is your memory really that shit m8
imagine buying anything outside of the Bethesda™️ Launcher
I think I threw up
Gustavus, it was an image I searched for on google, it is nothing to do with me or my spending habits
Ok I was just responding to the meme. I just @ you because you posted it
lookin like full asian markiplier
isnt markiplier already asian
Then when I didn't understand you called me stupid, which is very mean.
Hey it's not your fault you are stupid, it's not your fault your dad raped a retarded
^ This guy gets it
Also wow
That ya'll motherfuckers should find someone to talk to or go to a therapist
I talked to a therapist for a while but he thought that all cultures were equal so I had to dip because to believe that you’d have to be retarded
The one before that identified as an SJW
@UrstMcRedHead get that shit out of here
this is a strictly pessimistic nihilist zone, only memes about how everyone will die is accepted
Fuk u on about?
This is an anime server
The story of every trap ever....