Message from @Ethreen42

Discord ID: 682708507207925823

2020-02-27 21:50:14 UTC  

@Ethreen42 how is the white race being killed off

2020-02-27 21:50:48 UTC  

and whos the "we"

2020-02-27 21:54:20 UTC  

well then if you want a example by 2045 america will be minority white @BabaBooey

2020-02-27 21:54:42 UTC  

@tea_in_space how is that them being killed off

2020-02-27 21:54:45 UTC  

Whites in western countries becoming a minority is basically a death sentence, by losing political and cultural control we'll be sidelined and marginalized, the "killing off " part isn't literal. (though I wouldn't doubt that some low level ethnic cleansing would occur, especially here in Australia where the Chinese government are basically colonizing us )

2020-02-27 21:55:13 UTC  

seems like racist fear mongering to me <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-27 21:55:44 UTC  

also australians complaining about so called colonization <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-02-27 21:55:52 UTC  

I'm sure the Israeli colonizers said the same thing to the Palestinians in the 30s

2020-02-27 21:55:53 UTC  

also in south africa it is predicted that it will fall into a race civil war from your filthy far left black retards in power

2020-02-27 21:56:16 UTC  

@BabaBooey You know former colonizers can be colonized right lmao

2020-02-27 21:56:29 UTC  

your left wing bullshit is what is now bringing south africa to the brink of collapse @BabaBooey

2020-02-27 21:56:33 UTC  

@Ethreen42 how many kids do you have

2020-02-27 21:57:10 UTC  

ah yes, the "bro just have kids bro who cares if over 100,000 adults are imported every year bro" line

2020-02-27 21:57:30 UTC  

@2K "a black guy had sex with my wife, the white race is finished"

2020-02-27 21:57:48 UTC  

@Ethreen42 ahhhh so youre complaining about not enough white babies while not creating any

2020-02-27 21:58:10 UTC  

No I'm primarily complaining about migration

2020-02-27 21:59:01 UTC  

@Ethreen42 so migration from white people is fine too?

2020-02-27 21:59:07 UTC  

@BabaBooey i hope that you realise that your bullshit ideas is what is bringing south africa into a Race based civil war

2020-02-27 21:59:11 UTC  

or youre against that too

2020-02-27 21:59:32 UTC  

Depends on the country, here in Australia I'd prefer Anglo-Celtic migration only

2020-02-27 21:59:52 UTC  

though other Europeans can generally assimilate

2020-02-27 22:00:04 UTC  

and japs

2020-02-27 22:00:12 UTC  

@Ethreen42 darker hued people cant assimilate ?

2020-02-27 22:00:49 UTC  

i mean its not like theyre going to come and kill you all and put your children into reeducation schools at least

2020-02-27 22:02:02 UTC  

they can integrate but they cant assimilate, full-integration into a community that has a strong ethnic basis is pretty much impossibly for a lot of these groups

2020-02-27 22:02:41 UTC  

obviously there are some examples of assimilation, but these tend to be assimilation into secular multiracial hedonist societies

2020-02-27 22:03:01 UTC  

do you have any data to show this?

2020-02-27 22:08:56 UTC  

pure facts and figures? not saved on this laptop I dont, but here are examples of entire ethnic groups that haven't assimilated after hundreds of years, African-Americans, Gypsies, Aboriginals, the Māori etc, most of these were actively encouraged and sometimes forced to assimilate, with little or short term results. Even if you assume that I'm 100% wrong and you can assimilate multiple races into a ethnic based society, that would still be undesirable since it just creates ethnic tension and in countries like Australia, resentment and conflict, especially in times of great crisis.

2020-02-27 22:12:14 UTC  

on some level you could probably assimilate other races through Miscegenation, which what's happening to the Aboriginals here, and should be encouraged imo

2020-02-27 22:20:17 UTC  

hope that pedo is either dead or in jail

2020-02-27 22:20:34 UTC  

Fucking bourgeoisie, we must eat the rich

2020-02-27 22:23:14 UTC  

I found that dude's account in like 2 seconds lmao

2020-02-27 22:23:30 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck is he a eunuch now?

2020-02-27 22:23:37 UTC  

share sauce

2020-02-27 22:23:43 UTC  

in lesbos if not here

2020-02-27 22:23:55 UTC  
