Message from @Seven Proxies

Discord ID: 683374462263099640

2020-02-29 17:52:22 UTC  

There's also the lower working classes that are apathetic to the corruption and failures of the higher-ups, because it's been going on all the time they've been working at the company, and it's been normalised.

2020-02-29 17:52:44 UTC  

Along with the issue of "I can't afford to risk losing this job, I've got a house and family."

2020-02-29 17:53:39 UTC  

You ain't having a good system if one investigation or an unforseen circumstance can set it on fire and explode

2020-02-29 17:54:32 UTC  

Honesty, competence, professionalism and good-faith business are like safety margin for a company if you compare it to a mechanism

2020-02-29 17:54:44 UTC  

@Zephyr Blackfish It's mostly about the risk of losing their job, along with the energy depletion from doing the job itself.

The only reason I still have enough care and energy to talk about political shit online is because I stay single and don't have a family.

When I marry someone and have kids, you probably won't ever see me here again 😛

2020-02-29 17:55:15 UTC  

Also a degree of transparency, but that one is really delicate because patent secrecy and private things are still off-limits too

2020-02-29 17:55:55 UTC  


2020-02-29 17:56:05 UTC  

I also presume that if you have it so the wages are not so disparate, there will be greater familiarity and smoothness between the ranks.

2020-02-29 17:56:26 UTC  

There shouldn't then be a "workers" and "managers" class-distinction within the workplace.

2020-02-29 17:59:09 UTC  

Dodge charger official car of white race

2020-02-29 17:59:12 UTC  

Pass it on

2020-02-29 18:00:12 UTC  

> Dodge charger official car of white race

2020-02-29 18:00:43 UTC

2020-02-29 18:00:59 UTC  

Leftist furry response to Trump

2020-02-29 18:02:02 UTC  

There are people at Dodge who hate this particular model, because it supposedly prevents people from expecting other types of cars from dodge

2020-02-29 18:02:25 UTC  

Makes me wonder why the fuck they did not yet fuck off to work for Dacia

2020-02-29 18:03:25 UTC  

To put it in perspective: they requested Google to supress the results for Dodge Charger 1960 a few years ago when people googled "Dodge"

2020-02-29 18:03:49 UTC  

Who hired these people and why are they still in positions?

2020-02-29 18:06:08 UTC  

Why would anyone want a Dodge that's NOT a Dodge Charger 1960?

2020-02-29 18:08:13 UTC  

@Uksio I know what the problem is though. Bunch of entitled millenial faggots who have been lead to believe that their jobs should be about "realizing their creative dreams" and similar zoomer nonsense.

If you've made a smash hit product that people want to buy over and over without you having to put in ANY extra effort besides putting that product together, then you're on the gravy train.

2020-02-29 18:08:24 UTC  

There's no need for further innovation if there is no demand for it.

2020-02-29 18:08:32 UTC  

@Son of Rome Why did the Nazis worship these people despite their complete lack of anything resembling civilization or culture until the early modern era? I mean really, why? They achieved dramatically less things than the British, Iberians, Slavs, Italians, and Greeks. They lived as cow herding cavemen, went on a looting & raping spree during the early Middle Ages, played no role in world or even european history besides a brief “empire” composed of itself foolishly attacking Russia in the 1700s, burned witches, then doing nothing of note besides periodic starvation until WWII happens and the Nazis jerk them off.

2020-02-29 18:09:13 UTC  

@Some Fucking Leaf Because they COULD go on a looting and raping spree, largely unimpeded. The British could not 😛

2020-02-29 18:09:32 UTC

2020-02-29 18:09:52 UTC  

What's your point?

2020-02-29 18:09:53 UTC

2020-02-29 18:09:54 UTC  


2020-02-29 18:09:55 UTC  

Why did nazis did what they did at all

2020-02-29 18:10:08 UTC  

They were not entirely rational to begin with

2020-02-29 18:10:19 UTC  

the Swedish Empire had little in common with the old norse though. Different ideals, different motivations.

2020-02-29 18:10:37 UTC  

Muh oppressed ancestors that worshipped ancient powerful Gods

2020-02-29 18:10:49 UTC  

No surprise Hitler was a vegan with his ancestors being druids.

2020-02-29 18:10:51 UTC  

I like colors, too

2020-02-29 18:10:57 UTC  

Damn forest-fags.

2020-02-29 18:11:09 UTC  

I mean come on, it's kind of hard to worship Brits, seeing as how they're a mutt people that has been savagely gangraped throughout the ages by pretty much every neighbour they have in Europe.

2020-02-29 18:11:57 UTC  

The Scandinavians were "pure" of race and had a ethnotypical appearance.

2020-02-29 18:13:11 UTC  

Tbh I would have taken green eyed redheads over the blue eyed blonds ;P

2020-02-29 18:13:26 UTC  

Purity isn't that grand a virtue when you only spent your times raping coastal-cities whilst later down the line nations other than yours had world-spanning empires.
Christ, even the *Dutch* had an empire.