Message from @SYDWAD

Discord ID: 602455329934147584

2019-07-21 10:52:02 UTC  

post=after, scarcity
due to some things always being more scarce than others there is no post scarcity.

2019-07-21 10:52:02 UTC  

And under the claim I've made which hasn't been countered yet I see it is as possible

2019-07-21 10:52:25 UTC  

Then let me rephase to 'effective post-scarcity'

2019-07-21 10:53:07 UTC  

whereby the supply exceeds the demand and the rate of change of supply exceeds the rate of change of demand

2019-07-21 10:54:00 UTC  

this is the logical conclusion of human advancement in labour

2019-07-21 10:54:12 UTC  

All we've done is devalued product in favour of new product

2019-07-21 10:54:29 UTC  

eventually all product will reach net devaluation given the criteria is met

2019-07-21 10:55:58 UTC  

but in history there has never been a point where supply exceed demand for long, even with the industrial revolution hundreds of times more production than ever before the population jumped right after it, no high the jump we always follow. Someone always finds a way to use what is not being used.

2019-07-21 10:57:04 UTC  

Right, but the rate of change of that has been constantly exceeded every technological revolution

2019-07-21 10:57:58 UTC  

Even from a realist stance let alone optimistic stance it can be seen to be heading in such a direction

2019-07-21 10:59:25 UTC  

we industrialize space and now there is millions of times larger resources per person? now we have millions of times larger homes.
Someone will always want what someone else has, not always, there are those content with welfare but the drive for more is in our nature.
Now we own half the galaxy, each human has 8000 star systems to call home. All resources are being used, we can always make due with more.

2019-07-21 10:59:46 UTC  

Why would we have millions of times larger homes?

2019-07-21 11:00:10 UTC  

why do people have entire private hotels for houses?

2019-07-21 11:00:26 UTC  

primarily because its a status symbol and it inflates the ego

2019-07-21 11:01:35 UTC  

and you're assuming that the rate of change of the rate of change of supply isn't incrementing when it is

2019-07-21 11:01:44 UTC  

perhaps humanity will need larger homes

2019-07-21 11:01:47 UTC  

you dont *need* a 10x10m home with space to live in, you dont *need* a tv or internet but we *want* it. And i for sure would *want* a planet sized mansion

2019-07-21 11:01:48 UTC  

but we can substantiate that demand

2019-07-21 11:02:07 UTC  


2019-07-21 11:02:15 UTC  

there is also the issue of replication

2019-07-21 11:02:23 UTC  
2019-07-21 11:02:40 UTC  

im agreeing with you ?

2019-07-21 11:02:42 UTC  

there is individual autonomy whereby one could replicate the very devices and products they could acquire with currency

2019-07-21 11:02:49 UTC  

in a near future

2019-07-21 11:02:56 UTC  

in such a world what would be the use of currency

2019-07-21 11:03:24 UTC  

or rather

2019-07-21 11:03:54 UTC  

the use of currency would become much more limited as it would be an effective mix between gift and market economy if the valuation of certain goods approach null

2019-07-21 11:04:04 UTC  

and someone will probably make a claim to whatever they make so its again not as simple as "1.5x food for every human on earth" someone owns it and is using it in some way

2019-07-21 11:04:31 UTC  

The point was that post-scarcity has already been achieved for food

2019-07-21 11:04:51 UTC  

but the rest of the economy isn't built for communism as result of scarcity for other product

2019-07-21 11:05:50 UTC  

and in a world where every individual can have their own means of production and have the information to replicate product, product devaluation would ensue

2019-07-21 11:07:50 UTC  

first point no, since its harder for one person to get it than another its not post.
And i go back to the production, just because there is enough doesn't mean its as simple as "stop this group from *hording* it and give it to those with less" if the only reason there is more is because those with the ability want to make use of it in some way, its not just sitting not being used and free to reditribute like someone owning a lake next to a dying town

2019-07-21 11:09:07 UTC  

Yes it's harder under a market economy

2019-07-21 11:09:22 UTC  

not under a gift economy

2019-07-21 11:09:42 UTC  

and it's not 'stop this group from hoarding'

2019-07-21 11:09:57 UTC  

it's more construct a society where hoarding isn't necessary as goods are devalued

2019-07-21 11:09:58 UTC  

same with money, the reason the 1% have so much is because they make it year after year for their own wants. if you take it they will stop producing it because there is no point, working to the lowest speed to maintain your life with no room to improve

2019-07-21 11:10:13 UTC  

Right and what about worker co-ops?

2019-07-21 11:10:22 UTC  

do worker co-ops involve stealing from bosses?

2019-07-21 11:11:29 UTC  

im searching it now but im not familiar with worker co-ops

2019-07-21 11:11:44 UTC  

It's a business where the workers are also the owners of the business