Message from @Floozie

Discord ID: 553592879680061441

2019-03-08 14:58:51 UTC

i used to like asian girls until i realized that i have to continue the white race.

2019-03-08 14:58:51 UTC

Prove it

2019-03-08 14:58:53 UTC

Just no <:TriHard:494994515665354772> s?

2019-03-08 14:58:56 UTC

Shes white

2019-03-08 14:59:13 UTC

I used to like asian girls till i realized they are more basic than white girls and asians only date asians

2019-03-08 14:59:18 UTC

i have to lie to my parents to go on this date

2019-03-08 14:59:20 UTC

im gonna

2019-03-08 14:59:23 UTC


2019-03-08 14:59:24 UTC

Let the religious people have 10 white kids @Reimur

2019-03-08 14:59:33 UTC

@lexi how old r u actually

2019-03-08 14:59:38 UTC

my brother already popped out 2 kids recently. he's doing his part.

2019-03-08 14:59:44 UTC


2019-03-08 14:59:48 UTC

i used to care about the world and humans but then i died and now i only care for animals

2019-03-08 14:59:56 UTC

i am

2019-03-08 14:59:59 UTC

7 teen

2019-03-08 15:00:06 UTC

In finland we make 1.9 kids so we're on the decline

2019-03-08 15:00:14 UTC

and planes

2019-03-08 15:00:17 UTC

wheres that other .1

2019-03-08 15:00:21 UTC

But we get some immigrants to boost out population

2019-03-08 15:00:23 UTC

Which isnt good

2019-03-08 15:00:27 UTC

and plane maintenance humans

2019-03-08 15:00:37 UTC

is finland pro immigration cucks like the rest of eu?

2019-03-08 15:00:41 UTC


2019-03-08 15:00:53 UTC

i have a teacher from finland

2019-03-08 15:00:57 UTC

We don't get lots of immigranrs

2019-03-08 15:01:00 UTC

he speaks broken english

2019-03-08 15:01:02 UTC

Does he speak like a retard

2019-03-08 15:01:03 UTC


2019-03-08 15:01:06 UTC


2019-03-08 15:01:08 UTC

its a he

2019-03-08 15:01:10 UTC


2019-03-08 15:01:31 UTC
2019-03-08 15:01:32 UTC


2019-03-08 15:01:34 UTC

In finland we say everything like it's written

2019-03-08 15:01:39 UTC

oh reminder

2019-03-08 15:01:42 UTC

i have a date on sunday

2019-03-08 15:01:43 UTC

its new istanbul here but better than old people they should die off quicker

2019-03-08 15:01:46 UTC

tfw the global elites are trying to invade every white and successful country with muslims so they kill off the native population. then the global elite robot army will kill all the muslims and reduce the world population.

2019-03-08 15:01:49 UTC

that i have to lie about now

2019-03-08 15:01:51 UTC

we're living in this time line.

2019-03-08 15:02:01 UTC

In islam we say everything normal but explode after we say it