Message from @ken

Discord ID: 553669005446217728

2019-03-08 20:01:45 UTC

If you need $$$ just suck old men off.

2019-03-08 20:01:46 UTC

"how am i a mini gabe"

2019-03-08 20:01:49 UTC

For 5

2019-03-08 20:01:50 UTC

ken is like trim and gabe

2019-03-08 20:01:52 UTC


2019-03-08 20:01:57 UTC

That’s a good deal

2019-03-08 20:02:01 UTC

@EOR bismuth hiiiiiiiiiiiiii

2019-03-08 20:02:04 UTC

gabe + trim = ken

2019-03-08 20:02:09 UTC

a lil bit of piranha in there

2019-03-08 20:02:12 UTC

alexis that hurt

2019-03-08 20:02:12 UTC

GG @ken, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-03-08 20:02:15 UTC

im killing myself

2019-03-08 20:02:20 UTC


2019-03-08 20:02:21 UTC

gabe + trim + piranha = ken

2019-03-08 20:02:27 UTC


2019-03-08 20:02:29 UTC

@ken Wait until you're in the streamer house bro

2019-03-08 20:02:38 UTC


2019-03-08 20:02:43 UTC

theres only like a

2019-03-08 20:02:50 UTC

quarter of piranha in there

2019-03-08 20:02:53 UTC

@lexi caden innit

2019-03-08 20:02:57 UTC


2019-03-08 20:03:00 UTC

ur actually stupid tho

2019-03-08 20:03:09 UTC

1/2 the shit I say here is for jokes

2019-03-08 20:03:13 UTC

but ur deadass when you say this shit

2019-03-08 20:03:23 UTC


2019-03-08 20:03:26 UTC

bc i have skills

2019-03-08 20:03:26 UTC

2019-03-08 20:03:32 UTC

whos that

2019-03-08 20:03:32 UTC


2019-03-08 20:03:43 UTC

Who be that

2019-03-08 20:04:03 UTC


2019-03-08 20:04:12 UTC

ken niggas be like:

2019-03-08 20:04:22 UTC


2019-03-08 20:04:23 UTC

damn chad status

2019-03-08 20:04:44 UTC

@not normal hey abo <:pepeLove:495099856940171285>

2019-03-08 20:04:45 UTC

Y u add me to some gayass gc @satan's bitch

2019-03-08 20:04:53 UTC

how are u

2019-03-08 20:04:54 UTC

bc im killing all men

2019-03-08 20:04:55 UTC

chad check

2019-03-08 20:04:58 UTC

loool jacob

2019-03-08 20:05:03 UTC

i’m ok