Message from @nofollowups

Discord ID: 553707400473870368

2019-03-08 22:34:56 UTC

No leak

2019-03-08 22:35:01 UTC

ok freepz, you haHAA'd me, you get delmodded.

2019-03-08 22:35:03 UTC
2019-03-08 22:35:04 UTC

mentally ill andy <:hyperHAA:323028199028031489>

2019-03-08 22:35:05 UTC

?delmod @Freepz

2019-03-08 22:35:05 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Freepz#1680 is no longer a server moderator.

2019-03-08 22:35:05 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:08 UTC

hi nem

2019-03-08 22:35:10 UTC

alexis is at track practice

2019-03-08 22:35:12 UTC
2019-03-08 22:35:13 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:15 UTC

?addmod @Freepz

2019-03-08 22:35:15 UTC

<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Freepz#1680 is now a server moderator.

2019-03-08 22:35:22 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:22 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:24 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:25 UTC

Hi cunt

2019-03-08 22:35:26 UTC

addmod me

2019-03-08 22:35:27 UTC

stop fighting<:WeirdChamp:532278756342104074>

2019-03-08 22:35:28 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:31 UTC

mod me

2019-03-08 22:35:33 UTC

?kiss @Ctn

2019-03-08 22:35:33 UTC

i’m chillin bruv

2019-03-08 22:35:35 UTC

?ban @Ctn

2019-03-08 22:35:36 UTC

mod me

2019-03-08 22:35:40 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:41 UTC

she just came in here starting shite

2019-03-08 22:35:41 UTC
2019-03-08 22:35:45 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:46 UTC

This nigga thinks all nordic countries are a part of scandinavia

2019-03-08 22:35:49 UTC


2019-03-08 22:35:55 UTC


2019-03-08 22:36:00 UTC

Imagine banning Cukie for leaking a pic yet you have no problem leaking my pic to my friends

2019-03-08 22:36:01 UTC

sav >>>>

2019-03-08 22:36:04 UTC


2019-03-08 22:36:05 UTC

Oh the whale

2019-03-08 22:36:06 UTC


2019-03-08 22:36:08 UTC

TEA !!!!

2019-03-08 22:36:08 UTC


2019-03-08 22:36:10 UTC


2019-03-08 22:36:10 UTC
