Message from @FkeBld
Discord ID: 483768230486343691
who the fuck gives a damn about hollywood?
I honestly don't give a shit apart from it making these cancerous movies that are some form of propaganda.
Hollywood controls the one world language, English. They can manipulate us through the spoken word. They can destroy our ability to verbally defend ourselves by befuddling our understanding of various words. Hollywood must be destroyed.
@Deleted User. This is why I compiled a dictionary of words we must take back. We must not allow Media Whores and Jewish Word Magicians to obfuscate our language.
@Deleted User Well said
@The_Don_73 added <#356132687347449856>
No problem @Deleted User
The theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner
(As in someone gave me a list of books and I made the graphic)
I made a post for women in relationships in r/RedPillWomen
@O. paxarbolis lmfao
Some statistics on Israeli jews
Kinda old tho
Fiscal Consequences of the Refugee Crisis
The European Union faced an unprecedented influx of asylum seekers during the 2014–2016 refugee and migration crisis. The admitted refugees pose a critical challenge, but at the same time represent an opportunity for the host countries’ public finances. If the fiscal balance of immigration is positive, then migrants become net contributors to public budgets, helping to alleviate the aging related fiscal burden. However, we argue that this is highly unlikely to happen with refugees entering extensive European welfare states, at least in the short and medium term. ** By reviewing the existing empirical literature, we demonstrate that the research on the fiscal effects of refugee (or non‐Western) immigration almost uniformly supports the conclusion that the fiscal balance is going to be negative**. The noble aims of humanitarian obligation to accept refugees seem to be in conflict with the pragmatic economic interest – a fiscally beneficial immigration – this time.
Immigration increases housing prices in sweden
Immigration lowers housing quality and prices in England and Wales, the fall in prices is due to native flight from immigrants
Errors in Survey Reporting and Imputation and their Effects on Estimates of Food Stamp Program Participation
**We find that 23 percent of true food stamp recipient households do not report receipt in the SIPP, 35 percent in the ACS, and fully 50 percent in the CPS**. A substantial number of true non-recipients are also recorded as recipients, especially in the SIPP. We examine reasons for these errors including imputation, an important source of error. Both false negative and false positive reports vary with household characteristics, implying complicated biases in multivariate analyses, such as regressions. We then directly examine biases in common survey-based estimates of program receipt by comparing them to estimates from our combined administrative and survey data. **We find that the survey estimates understate participation among single parents, non-whites, and low-income households**, and also lead to errors in multiple program receipt, and time and age patterns of receipt.
European immigrants in Australia linguistically assimilate better than non-European immigrants