Fat Nigga 86
Discord ID: 475801248218480641
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that's what they said about pedophilia in the 90s and early 2000s
@Sterling kinda off topic but if you don't mind me asking are you a National Socialist?
@Sterling um what
national socialism is for every self-respecting white man
i live in the US for example
whether or not your country adopted anything is irrelevant
not all
America is the most kiked country in existence for example
yet there are many national socialists here
so country is irrelevant
what matters is that you're a white man or women who is tired of modern society
yes they do.
the aryan race is the only thing on this planet that matters
"you care about whites? jew!"
what books have you read?
The message of the book basically is to build an AR15
i had a hard time reading political literature at first because i prefer hard copies
now i dont mind reading on the computer screen
they can be interchanged
your native tongue is the same as your native language
are you on mobile?
@Riley you're not NS then lol
but i doubt you consider yourself that anyway
well there's larpers and cucks
then "real" NS like myself aka revolutionaries
not at all
deport african to africa
resistance from them is another thing
also jews aren't "gay" they're rats
so you're just ignorant okay
why are you even in this server?
what is your political ideology if you don't mind me asking
i see
well siege wouldn't be the book for you then
i'd recommend A Squire's Trial
also fascism and national socialism are different
i could go into details but this image describes it better
The thing is this country was originally white-european
the founding fathers intended it
and yes it does
if a nation changes its core values there ar every negative affects
no i'm not
not everything about the original concept of this nation was perfect
however there was some good and some bad
democracy could work if only white men could vote
but thanks to the jew and race traitors we have a different outcome
women are emotional creatures by design and they often feel "sorry" for non-whites in poor conditions so they normally vote for left-wing politicians
this simply can't be allowed for a prosperous nation
sympathy to non-whites is the issue not sympathy itself
yes there is
Tribalism is a basic human function
you protect yourself and your family
aka protecting other whites
the intermixing of races if of jewish design
also racemixing has negative affects on the offspring
What do you mean by story?
The intent of the jew by design is to subvert nations
that is why they have been expelled by so many countries
it's really easy to see if you're looking for it
for example most of congress is dual israeli citizenship
same with the senate
you mean the US?
That's because the jews have deep roots in our government
even then they had roots
most of the communist leadership was jewish
party members, officers, etc
because the jews had a plan to faze out communism after WW2
if the USSR is seen in a good light the collapse would be slowed
Yeah capitalism is the best way to create a lemming culture of consumers
i mean i can redpill you if you want me to but it seems like you wouldn't want that considering you lay with one
communism creates the militarism needed to fight strong NS countries
after germany was defeated they needed to create a lemming culture so we cant rise up again
Keep in mind Marx was a jew
Communism isn't just for militarism
it's also for promoting the idea that everyone is equal
which you agree with of course
well that's a pleasant surprise
So anyway back to communism
communism can make the degeneration of a nation happen just like capitalism however they use different methods
communism is revolutionary by design so more upfront about it
capitalism ended up being the better method
No they want to promote that idea
why have children and keep my bloodline going? it doesn't matter someone else will
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