Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 502867772699705345

2018-10-17 20:23:58 UTC  

ParashaBrideofChrist#0234 deserted.

2018-10-17 23:50:21 UTC  

<@422508093381935106> marched in.

2018-10-18 01:54:41 UTC  

<@471992783528525825> marched in.

2018-10-18 08:00:50 UTC  

<@337924865195638785> marched in.

2018-10-18 19:17:30 UTC  

@everyone Discord has changed their Terms of Service!

Unfortunately, this change comes with a revocation of your legal rights. Discord has revoked your right to sue (you must go through an arbitrator) and to congregate as a class action lawsuit.

Luckily, there is an opt-out for the clause, in which you must email [email protected], but you must do it within 30 days or you can no longer opt-out.


You can see the added clauses for yourself here:

Is this enforceable?

In the United States, yes. This was decided by the Supreme Court in 2011. See

Why does this matter?

Without the ability to congregate for a class action lawsuit, if Discord ever leaks your data or does something catastrophically bad to a large portion of the population you have no way to representatively sue together without each of you individually suing via the arbitrator.

Please see the following article:


1. Your right to file a complaint in the court of law is removed.
2. The arbitration system tends to heavily favour the company rather than the consumer.
3. Since your right to pool similar complaints together is taken away, the amount of damage you can do to a company that has wronged you significantly is limited to those who are willing to arbitrate.

What you need to do to opt-out
Email [email protected] from the email associated with your account, with the following (no special formatting required):
Subject: Opt-out from the arbitration clause
Content: I'd like to opt-out from your arbitration clause. user#0000
Please not that this is not a goddamn drill, this is real shit! Be sure to opt out and inform others of this so they know what’s at stake for them and everyone else too.

2018-10-18 19:18:26 UTC  

yes yes i know

2018-10-18 19:19:38 UTC  

@Deleted User what are we gonna do?

2018-10-18 19:19:53 UTC  


2018-10-18 19:20:00 UTC  

absolutely nothing

2018-10-18 19:20:08 UTC  

that's what i will do for now

2018-10-18 19:23:53 UTC  

You can opt out of it safely, according to this one response from some Discord dude.

2018-10-18 19:24:01 UTC  

It's just a bit scummy.

2018-10-18 19:58:26 UTC  

Dr.Phil is so retarded

2018-10-18 19:58:59 UTC  

They have these old white ladys who don’t have jobs on doctor Phil claiming white privilege doesn’t exist

2018-10-18 19:59:17 UTC  

Then dr.phil brings on 7 black attorneys and public speakers

2018-10-18 19:59:25 UTC  

Doesn’t even let them debate

2018-10-18 19:59:48 UTC  

Just has the black people say you need to listen before you change the problem

2018-10-18 19:59:57 UTC  

Everyone started clapping and then it ended

2018-10-18 20:00:03 UTC  

Like it was literally retarded

2018-10-18 20:00:24 UTC  

Like they had an asian bitch on there too

2018-10-19 15:36:59 UTC  

Anyone else watch blackpilled on youtube?

2018-10-19 17:13:41 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:14:15 UTC  

niggerpill: have 20 inch dick, 1 inch³ brain, and ooga booga

2018-10-19 18:36:02 UTC  

Yes he seems pretty cool

2018-10-19 18:36:27 UTC  

He is the one that wrote the book the day of the rope

2018-10-19 18:42:56 UTC  

<@360252343503028225> marched in.

2018-10-19 18:42:57 UTC  

<@423677412908335104> marched in.

2018-10-19 18:48:09 UTC  

<@353329539931176960> marched in.

2018-10-19 19:22:22 UTC  

Maximilianus#7845 deserted.

2018-10-19 21:16:35 UTC  

<@398409333203009546> marched in.

2018-10-21 06:28:37 UTC  

@Deleted User marched in.

2018-10-21 06:43:27 UTC  
2018-10-21 06:44:02 UTC  

May I have access to the immigration channel, please?

2018-10-21 06:49:46 UTC  

Watcha be wantin' ta post there, my boy? I can do it for you

2018-10-21 06:52:45 UTC  

Material on the Social and Economic consequences of immigration, particularly for the US context

2018-10-21 06:53:26 UTC  

You can put it in <#398152257297973258> if you want

2018-10-21 06:53:43 UTC  

It's for people who want to post stuff but don't have access to the channels

2018-10-21 06:53:52 UTC  

Gotchya, thank you!

2018-10-21 06:54:16 UTC  


2018-10-21 07:17:12 UTC  

@Fourth stage marched in.

2018-10-21 08:12:38 UTC  

@Jacob marched in.