Message from @(((The George Borjas)))
Discord ID: 503521241001361408
Here's one
@Fourth stage That's actually what I'm trying to create
it's a long term project
As far as I know, there really isn't anything like it
@Jacob what do you need for that project?
p p#2014 deserted.
<@503501944694767626> marched in.
@Fourth stage Too much shit. The immigration debate is multifaceted, there's an entire policy-relevant literature spanning 40 years just focusing on the wage impact of immigration. Once you tackle that fucking jungle then it's how immigration affects employment, productivity, GDP, social capital, how immigrants assimilate, how they act, where they live etc. Even after all of that you're still fucked because every major publication on immigration economics is cucked, so you're consistently fighting against the status quo more so than you'd be doing with IQ and race.
People barely understand the IQ debate, it's going to be monumentally more difficult to get people to grasp concepts in labor econ that are being changed and updated every single day.
Like the best we have now is CIS and fucking breitbart, and that stuff is literal garbage
it seems there are no nationalist think tanks that have proffesionals working in them and producing quality research
maybe not in the anglosphere, i was thinking searching if eastern europe has something to offer
>it seems there are no nationalist think tanks that have proffesionals working in them and producing quality research
There are but it's usually just bashing illegal immigration, and coming from someone who pays close attention to this topic; the research doesn't really matter
at the end of the day people are opposed to immigration because of cultural or racial reasons right
the economic stuff is just filler as a way to wake up other white people in a way that the MSM won't immediately ostracize you for doing
Even with Ryan Faulk, most people who watch him aren't gonna say "oh yeah I'm not a cuck anymore because now I know about race and IQ"
race and iq made many ppl alt right from what i have seen
@Fourth stage I doubt it actually fully made a single person turn from a basic conservative or lib to alt right. At the very most Ryan *et al*'s work reaffirmed the beliefs that a lot of white people already were starting to have or had.
It's a self selection effect, like someone who goes on plebbit isn't going to seek out Ryan's content or Richard Lynn
And no alt right person is going to look for content from libs or the young turks
@(((The George Borjas))) btw where you stand on the economy?
what do you mean, like what economic policy I think is best?
socialist? libertarian? fascist? ect..
Free markets with generally high IQ people and not too much immigration is pretty good
epic cartoon to illustrate my point
>not endorsing chad mixed economy
Mixed economy is shit
Literal socialism
>anything hereditary for role of government
It's basic genetics. The idea of bloodlines was basically correct and the monarch will have kin in the game.
The idea that leadership is that heritable is retarded, diversity in thought through debate similar to a republic will provide the best outcomes
assuming you have a non retarded society
literally the only thing ever to be inherited through monarchy was Hapsburg jaw
>mixed economy is shit
thats a bold statement, was there any libertarian states in the history of mankind?
USA from 1850 to 1929 was pretty libertarian