Message from @JollyFeed
Discord ID: 509568404060110924
So we all know MSM is fake news. I think with their broadcasting the blue wave, that may be good in our favor to help dems stay home out west and drive more red to go and vote. Just a thought.
Definitely will cause some apathy. Agreed. But only a half a day's worth.
Optimistic thinking...
We are losing the House
🆙 | **Futurama Delivery leveled up!**
Democrats only need 16 more house seats 😭
We're at plus 9 for dems. They need +23.
Sick 😷
Huh, I somehow forgot Mitt Romney was running for Senate. He's projected to win Utah atm.
🆙 | **JollyFeed leveled up!**
Q is one big LARP
They have already taken the House
ABC is bragging about redistricting (I mean Gerrymandering) helping them. Makes me sick
Cruz baby
I am pissed about the House.
Like c'mon
Maybe the house will draw up some impeachment articles and it'll inadvertently lead to them bringing some shit out in the open about their sick fucking secret lives
dems winning the house will make the declass and arrests way more public
besides....plan might be for any losing gop to demand a recount
and guess what, the gop can afford it
Can we still make arrests???
sealed until jan 2019
we can lose congress, but we need senate....because they speed up the judge placement process
for replacement judges prior to unsealing event
🆙 | **SirW00f leveled up!**
i wonder if praying medic is listening in
Hawley wins MO senate!
51 💪
Matt Rosendale is getting closer
@anonanon fuck yeah