Message from @☇Unlimited Power☇
Discord ID: 346747227231748111
i mean "WHERE?!"
i want to tell that bigot how it is
stupid stupid rasist
Punch nazis everyday.
if you dont punch nazis every day you're a nazi
I wont tell you not to punch Nazi's but i dont believe in violence man.
i would never use violence, except on nazis cause they are the worst!
if you use violence your just as bad as the nazis
@AureiPueri Nazis will gas us all if not stopped.
i'm a rational skeptic btw
man, i'll have to think about that man.
you might be right there
@Eddy so your like that nazi sargon of akkad
no he's not racist
armoured skeptic told me that the dems hate black people
They let fascism exist by not punching nazis.
this guy spencer is the worst
god so much hate
we just need to convince everyone to go the centre with our arguments
every swede in the history have hated all the minorities, that's why i identify as a muslim jew
being a swede is racist and wrong
Whites fascists colonized africa and it was horrible they built hospitals and destroyed the POC's cilture of treating illness with human sacrifice.
yeah, that's why i'm a somali muslim jew nowadays
thunderdome went missing?
cause being a swede is just wrong and rascist
@andrewanglin looks like we just got shoahed
man I was I had been alive to see mlk
or watch mandela get out of pirson
Oy veey who let that evil natzi andrew anglin in here.
Get out nazis
As a Blaq Person of Quolor, I wish I could have participated in the 6 million man march that MLK led
wow, i cant even? do we have the biggest nazi-bigot-sexist since hitler here?
ban andrewanglin the most horrible racist bigot ever
we have to shut him down!!!!!