Message from @SirW00f
Discord ID: 496789619917193226
@boBBypEEle that's a cool idea
I hung two Trump 2020 flags outside the JQH arena that secret service let me keep up all day/night. Wish I would've thought to turn the 0 into Q
There is a stylized Q with the tail disconnected that would work well for that
I’ll search that font
prob not what your after, I like it tho
Hahahaha. Careful what you ask for
@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins He is trying to be sneaky with a Trump 2Q2Q shirt for rallies 😉
Congratulations @Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins, you're now level 11.
a nice.. now i can type here 😃
old but gold -
Where was she, that she had to be away from a tv and even her phone...during the Judge K hearing?
Damn. Is q calling the confirmation vote or the rep vs Dem numbers post midterms 😂 😂
floor vote for K?
I was having to ... be somewhere else ... away from the TV... and even my phone..."
like in custody
the narwhal is what really stumped me
couldnt get it out of my mind
the narwhal is found mostly in canadian heraldry
which canada remember is under crown law
the narwhal is the unicorn of the sea
unicorn is scottish in orgin as a heraldric symbol
in most heraldry the unicorn is either a protector or a symbol of survival as a food source
my theory
is that the narwhal is the crown proteting the all seeing eye on reddit more particularly
the narwhal guards the upvotes
in this coat of arm the narwhale protects the compass rose which is symbolic of the north pole
Guard the upvote (with all seeing eye) to guard what is the trending topic. If you can't tell ppl what to think (although maybe they can), then tell then what to think about. Guard what is the popular and relevant at the time. Guard the narrative
Influence a false group consensus to influence ppl to follow the herd. Ppl are comfortable going with the crowd.