Message from @ᶜʳᶦᵗᵗᶻ
Discord ID: 552961298812370995
Lol the link in that latest Q post ( died so quickly
Well that link may have been DoA
Well that answers that
Deleted faster than anyone could archive
Based Praying Medic with his screenshots
Jesus christ the video is 45 minutes long
Are proper folks aware that qpost bot doesn't appear to be picking up qposts?
<#545312984323325976> is working.
"The government created AIDS and was behind the movie *Monster's Inc*."
I don't think they actually read the book
Who the fuck are these 12 people that wrote this shit?
Just throwing this out as it needs to be on the radar
```These authors are authorities on Q and can answer many questions. Contributing Editors, Dustin Nemos and Captain Roy D, are the official spokespersons for WWG1WGA. Author bios and contact information are available in the book.```
its really just the "authorities on Q" part I have an issue with.
i think it's those that volunteered or were asked to be contributors to the book
but to claim you are an authority on Q, smells like another paytriot with an ego. Id be interested in reading it to see if its disinfo.
odds are that Q has seen the book before it got published
I can see from the comments on the book that it discusses crap that Q has not mentioned, such as monsters inc.
Welp, disinfo right there for sure. I can’t even recall any Q posts that remotely hinted at it. Not saying I am an expert by any means, but more so to your point haven’t even seen anyone link to it before.
I know the bit they are probably talking about (ill find the link) but Q has never mentioned it afair -- I remember Dustin from paytriot soapbox. with corsi/pam. He was never an authority, just wanted e-celeb status.
Made headlines already....
Think it would be allowed on amazon if it contained any truth? - smells like something being pushed to make a few $ out of Q supporters whilst discrediting Q
I've gollowed Nemos basically from his Qwakening (happened to be when I discovered Q as well). I've never seen this guy act like a paytriot or authority on Q. He's been down many rabbit holes. That's the only authority he has. Same as most anons.
The **only** communication is the drops he posts on the board. Revup your shitposts. This is clearly disinfo
Fucking boomers for eating this shit up
The book smells like boomer bait.
Lol yea
**No one** has "authority" when discussing Q. Glad to see this was cleared up
these are not my words, they are from the book exerpt ```These authors are authorities on Q and can answer many questions. ```
We know. Book is highly shit. Need to see the internals though and check what the spin is.
I would say that POTUS is the only authority, but we know that question won't be asked.
Im all for people making a few $ and getting good info out there, but much like this crapmap, has nothing to do with Q
Finally, ||before I fuck off|| what I don't get is how I encountered this book through msm
From what I saw they're still shilling blindly against it which means that whatever fucktards are doing this are
a) stupid faggots doing it in earnest
b)stupid faggots who are scamming boomers and giving us a bad name
ww1wga is supposed to unite us, not a phrase to hide behind from while claiming to have "authority" on this subject
That's what happens during a co-opt psyop. This book should tragger a new set of memes speaking about there being no authority on Q except those running the Q operation.
Also I'd probably only believe someone has such authority if they can 100% decode all stringers as they are posted, which ironically would require Q's authority of Q to confirm if it was 100% correct.
Sauce of screenshot?