Message from @skooks
Discord ID: 348309543325007891
This is what happens when you don't keep niggers as second class citizens
Over 10,000 BLM?
I don't think the alt-lite has the numbers to combat 10,000 BLM. This will be a massacre, if things actually get violent.
Holy fuck this new moonman song is hilarious
I don't think it is possible to be more triggered than this.
@SDifference link?
@Hector let's hope so, their martyrs become our martyrs
I'd go back there if it wasn't full of reddit and shills
@☇Unlimited Power☇ who tf is that
in the vid
that's the creator of rick and morty
@Hector is that real?
so brave, stunning
Dammit dan I like rick and morty
haha I made a pretty edgy show, but these Nazis are a little too edgy huh?
*camera zooms to swastika*
@Frank Grimes my mom said he looks like a fine young man, antifa not so much
ermagerd naht zeez
Yeah, that's real.
whoa ann confirmed our girl
@Hector pahahahahahaha
I love how they think Spencer is the Antichrist and to most of us he's way too soft
Yes because putting up a sign saying don't use these is definitely going to stop people from using them
Blacks aren't known for their brains but seriously this is worse than stupid
Enoch can now shitpost again!
@Kaiser Wilhelm II is that confirmed real?
''Tis a great day
@☇Unlimited Power☇ no idea
but judging by the followers it checks out