Message from @drive

Discord ID: 492336239949905923

2018-09-20 13:52:02 UTC  

The chad preschool csgo player

2018-09-20 13:56:24 UTC  


2018-09-20 13:56:29 UTC  


2018-09-20 13:57:33 UTC  

@Deleted User Emus are the geese of Australia

2018-09-20 14:01:27 UTC  

@Mellisco what's wrong with geese

2018-09-20 14:02:30 UTC  

@richtr8 is an emu war vet

2018-09-20 14:02:54 UTC  

he fucked an emu and made a sick twiste emu-human hybrid that he had to smash against the rocks

2018-09-20 14:03:07 UTC  

don't talk to him about it

2018-09-20 14:04:52 UTC  

@Deleted User NPC question tbh

2018-09-20 14:05:20 UTC  

I Swear Upon The Altar Of God Eternal Hostility Towards All Forms Of Geese

2018-09-20 14:05:30 UTC  


2018-09-20 14:07:33 UTC  

did you guys watch that schitzoshit

2018-09-20 14:07:49 UTC  

i stopped watching after looking up the 4 billion claim

2018-09-20 14:08:01 UTC  

it's probably in the talmud yeah

2018-09-20 14:08:01 UTC  

i found claims of 4 and 40 million but not 4 billion

2018-09-20 14:08:07 UTC

2018-09-20 14:08:07 UTC  

even geese don't deserve that shit

2018-09-20 14:08:19 UTC  

what's going on there

2018-09-20 14:08:22 UTC  

force feeding?

2018-09-20 14:08:24 UTC  


2018-09-20 14:08:26 UTC  

to make fois gois

2018-09-20 14:08:30 UTC  

make the liver fat

2018-09-20 14:08:40 UTC  

they stick a long tube down its throat

2018-09-20 14:08:42 UTC  

and pump corn down

2018-09-20 14:08:50 UTC  

you know the jews are very involved in geese farming in europe

2018-09-20 14:08:52 UTC  

it's fucking disgusting

2018-09-20 14:09:00 UTC  

iunno, exploiting a ducks feeding reflex is not much better

2018-09-20 14:09:20 UTC  

i'm not surprised cspan

2018-09-20 14:09:24 UTC  

you should really watch the astrotheology just for entertainment value

2018-09-20 14:10:02 UTC  

The Judaic dietary law, Kashrut, forbade lard as a cooking medium, and butter, too, was proscribed as an alternative since Kashrut also prohibited mixing meat and dairy products.[12] Jewish cuisine used olive oil in the Mediterranean, and sesame oil in Babylonia, but neither cooking medium was readily available in Western and Central Europe, so poultry fat (known in Yiddish as schmaltz), which could be abundantly produced by overfeeding geese, was substituted in their stead.[27][29][30] The delicate taste of the goose's liver was soon appreciated; Hans Wilhelm Kirchhof of Kassel wrote in 1562 that the Jews raise fat geese and particularly love their livers. Some Rabbis were concerned that eating forcibly overfed geese violated Jewish food restrictions. The Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Moses Sofer, contended that it is not a forbidden food (treyf) as none of its limbs are damaged.[citation needed] This matter remained a debated topic in Jewish dietary law until the Jewish taste for goose liver declined in the 19th century.[27] Another kashrut matter, still a problem today, is that even properly slaughtered and inspected meat must be drained of blood before being considered fit to eat. Usually, salting achieves that; however, as liver is regarded as "(almost) wholly blood", broiling is the only way of kashering. Properly broiling a foie gras while preserving its delicate taste is difficult, and therefore rarely practiced. Even so, there are restaurants in Israel that offer grilled goose foie gras. Foie Gras also bears resemblance to the Jewish food staple, chopped liver.[30]
Bartolomeo Scappi

2018-09-20 14:10:33 UTC  

Appreciation of fattened goose liver spread to gastronomes outside the Jewish community, who could buy in the local Jewish ghetto of their cities. In 1570, Bartolomeo Scappi, chef de cuisine to Pope Pius V, published his cookbook Opera, wherein he describes that "the liver of [a] domestic goose raised by the Jews is of extreme size and weighs [between] two and three pounds."[31] In 1581, Marx Rumpolt of Mainz, chef to several German nobles, published the massive cookbook Ein Neu Kochbuch, describing that the Jews of Bohemia produced livers weighing more than three pounds; he lists recipes for it—including one for goose liver mousse.[31][32] János Keszei, chef to the court of Michael Apafi, the prince of Transylvania, included foie gras recipes in his 1680 cookbook A New Book About Cooking, instructing cooks to "envelop the goose liver in a calf's thin skin, bake it and prepare [a] green or [a] brown sauce to accompany it. I used goose liver fattened by Bohemian Jews, its weight was more than three pounds. You may also prepare a mush of it."

2018-09-20 14:10:51 UTC  

well there you fucking have it

2018-09-20 14:11:08 UTC  

yeah jews have been eating geese in europe for hundreds of years and many geese farms are owned by jews

2018-09-20 14:11:29 UTC  

As a canadian im pissed

2018-09-20 14:11:42 UTC  

Leave the geese alone

2018-09-20 14:12:17 UTC  

Thus Ashkenazi Jews turned to poultry fat as their cooking fat of choice; the overfeeding of geese to produce more fat per bird produced modern Europe's first foie gras as a side effect

2018-09-20 14:12:56 UTC  

Jewish Boycott

2018-09-20 14:13:52 UTC  

Stop buying jewish products

2018-09-20 14:14:28 UTC  

Aka stop buying products

2018-09-20 14:15:14 UTC  

stop eating food!

2018-09-20 14:15:21 UTC  
