Message from @Odalman
Discord ID: 350927782030606336
How will they hold it together
I actually see nuke meltdowns
One thing good about Charlottesville
Is it showed we can do it
Go D Marcus
I was talking about Muslims
Nite boys time for me 2 hit the rack
@Arminius read blackascidlizard's comment on there
So sarcuck is being sued and will likely lose.
new third rail is up
@☇Unlimited Power☇ what for, not cucking hard enough?
@erz1871 for "copyright infringement"
tell me there isn't some serious spoopy shit at play here
Who here actually considers themselves Alt-Right?
That's what I'd label myself publicly.
Idk if that counts.
If you don't mind, without dozing yourself, can you tell me your educational level and career? I will understand if you say no. I am public already, so if you're willing I can confirm my identity.
I've had a strange life. lol
@☇Unlimited Power☇ I'm not convinced he'll lose, YouTubers think he's on icy ground but I don't think YouTubers know what they're talking about.
I don't either, but I'm pretty sure he can get away with mocking this woman by uploading bits of her video with a caption
So you make a reasonable income then?
As long as you're mocking them it's solid ground, just not for fair use. I'm not sure why they go for the fair use defence since it probably shouldn't apply to most youtubers anyway
Do you consider yourself a leader in the field? I assume you're either in Design, or a service contractor.
There isn't much competition around here so yeah. I work in the service field.
I know this is strange, but which of the personalities of the following do you trust, and if there is more than one could you rank them from greasiest amount of trust to least. David Duke, Richard Spencer,Andrew Anglin, Weev, Mike Enoch, Don Black, Mike Heimbach, Sven, Doctor Mathem
ugh too much effort.
I've been up all night lol
I'm alt right, college drop out
Pitbull + Weiner Dog
good doggo
Dog looks funny