Message from @gusphase
Discord ID: 351180810558373888
Yeah, not yet
and Kasich cannot write executive orders
Good stuff
The police should be "doing something" aboutt "literal nazis" marching in the streets? Last time that i checked, even 'literaal nazis" had a constitutional right tto march in the streets.
No, that's mean and hurts my feelings.
Also, again, the only people there with "big guns" were the oath cucks and the redneck revolt people.
Lefties can't meme bro
@gusphase he still thinks he has constitutional rights, hahahahahahaahahaha
How many people at charlotesville actually said that "nonwhites should be rounded up and killed?"
I've certainly never said that all non whites should be rounded up and killed, so who is saying this?
>he's not a full exterminationist
the left suck at humor
@gusphase no one, it's a leftist fantasy
Are you guys full exterminationists?
Glass the sands
you can be full exterminationists without telling the journalist that
Hide your power level
like i just want to advocate for my white brothers (by full extermination)
Eh, I think full exterminationism is full larp
fucking horrible undercard fight rn
I'm just pro white
clenchnigger vs lungenigger
im a cuck who doesnt want violence but exterminationism, although larpy, is probably necessary
All the way
Probably necessary for some, but no I dont see the point of full on eradication of all non white people. I certainly want a white country and white values throughout white countries with strong borders.
If you support abortion of nonwhites but not exterminationism you need to rethink yourself.
Because one is half hearted, if you support abortion, you should support physical removal.