Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 594745493297299500

2019-06-30 03:57:57 UTC  

again and again and again

2019-06-30 03:58:03 UTC  

i fall asleep to 10 hour alarm clock

2019-06-30 03:58:32 UTC  

i use the money i earn to buy the fun things i enjoy IE, guns ammo and the occasional vidya

2019-06-30 03:58:39 UTC  

so im aight

2019-06-30 03:58:45 UTC  

money is gravity and

2019-06-30 03:58:49 UTC  

we're fucking apes

2019-06-30 03:59:43 UTC  

to awaken to face the day is still to live

2019-06-30 04:00:27 UTC  

rise and shine fuckos

2019-06-30 04:01:35 UTC  

at least i make a lot of money

2019-06-30 04:01:57 UTC  

workin good fo masta so that i can shoot and play gaem

2019-06-30 04:03:48 UTC

2019-06-30 04:03:52 UTC  

god made mud
lucky me, lucky mud
what memories for mud to have
i loved everything i saw
good night

2019-06-30 04:05:27 UTC  

I read all that in a caveman voice

2019-06-30 04:06:17 UTC  

infinite timeline clones of god individualism mode

2019-06-30 04:06:23 UTC  

fuck why couldnt they make a different word for the past tense of read

2019-06-30 04:06:25 UTC  

fuck me

2019-06-30 04:24:15 UTC  

Kick tylerdex40 from the server

2019-06-30 04:25:56 UTC  

@Deleted User you are a very good friend to me please do your best and do not die to-night

2019-06-30 04:25:59 UTC

2019-06-30 04:26:05 UTC  
2019-06-30 04:26:15 UTC  

uh... y-yeah man

2019-06-30 04:26:35 UTC  

thanks buddy you were always a good friend

2019-06-30 04:26:48 UTC  

nice pepper the frog dude

2019-06-30 04:27:08 UTC  

thats number 112456 its a fucking collectable dude

2019-06-30 04:27:33 UTC  

yeah dude it's a RARE PEPPER XD XD XD

2019-06-30 04:27:53 UTC  

this is amazing, can we get a thread on this 😃

2019-06-30 04:28:32 UTC

2019-06-30 04:29:29 UTC  

the invisible outline of the pupils dont perfectly align to the rotation of the head

2019-06-30 04:36:31 UTC  

KOTH is the only major non-cucked cartoon show I can think of in recent times

2019-06-30 05:15:31 UTC  

Guys I hate IPAs which under normal circumstances would make me a pansy like the beer version of a person who can't drink black coffee and needs to dump loads of milk and sugar in it to enjoy it but because IPAs are now associated with hipsters and "soyboys" I can become ostensibly cool by distancing myself from IPAs on those grounds when at the end of the day I'm just a bland faggot

2019-06-30 05:18:23 UTC  

Had a joker moment the other day. I’d been at school and yet again the dumb roasties were mocking me as if I cared about those used up whores, so I was already upset and feeling nihilistic as fuck when I got home. I thought I’d chill with some CS GO when I got in and was just sucking. After like the fifth loss and my brainlet NPC teammates blaming me I just flipped the fuck out and broke my gaming mouse- and that just drove me over the edge. All the misery I endure in my life, the fucking comedy of the situation I’d just made for myself- it’s literally all a fucking joke. I was always highly intelligent and knew there was no god and it’s all just particles and shit and all meaningless because space is massive and Earth is small... I was already blackpilled. But at that moment I realised it’s not just tragic that we are born into a meaningless and pain filled existence- that the best sort of people like me suffer without deserving it- it’s a fucking joke. It’s a fucking hilarious joke! Can’t yousee? People try to force meaning into all the chaos! It’s whatever you want! Nothing matters!

2019-06-30 05:29:20 UTC  

How is that a joker moment

2019-06-30 05:29:28 UTC  

It's not a real joker moment unless someone anally engulfs someone

2019-06-30 05:29:39 UTC

2019-06-30 05:30:41 UTC  

It’s not a joker moment until you live long enough to see chaos hit an immovable object, Harvey Dent, he didn’t fly so good

2019-06-30 05:34:35 UTC  

My great grandmother and great grandfather

2019-06-30 05:42:51 UTC

2019-06-30 05:45:22 UTC  

I thought you were maxed out on melanin though

2019-06-30 08:25:02 UTC  

im incel so no