Discord ID: 631366928929390594

2019-10-09 05:40:52 UTC  

Pft, I'll show you.

2019-10-09 05:41:27 UTC  

Most of the stuff you have in that chart wouldn’t be too particularly hard to program

2019-10-09 05:42:04 UTC  

This may be true, especilly with something OOP- like say, C#

2019-10-09 05:42:27 UTC  

Especially if you keep the graphics blocky too

2019-10-09 05:42:45 UTC  

Fuck that, billboard sprites are the new voxels

2019-10-09 05:42:59 UTC  

Most of the damage ammo could be adjusted using multipliers and ticks

2019-10-09 05:43:53 UTC  

Have a base damage for each gun and have each ammo effect said base damage through either multiplier or percentage based object statements

2019-10-09 05:44:29 UTC  

okay sounds good dilly when are you making it

2019-10-09 05:44:46 UTC  

Right now

2019-10-09 05:44:57 UTC  

Using namespace std;

2019-10-09 05:45:00 UTC  

too much to read

2019-10-09 05:45:06 UTC  

anglos are so funny

2019-10-09 05:45:10 UTC  

#include <iostream>

2019-10-09 05:45:20 UTC  

the aeternal anglo

2019-10-09 05:45:28 UTC  

Int main{

2019-10-09 05:45:32 UTC  

Make game

2019-10-09 05:45:34 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:45:37 UTC  

Return 0;

2019-10-09 05:45:51 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:45:56 UTC  

boom done

2019-10-09 05:46:46 UTC  

return public Game { find.GetComponent<game>; }

2019-10-09 05:47:08 UTC  

Tsk tsk, Dilly. You need to watch your bloat

2019-10-09 05:48:10 UTC  

Public void game{

2019-10-09 05:48:14 UTC  

String game code;

2019-10-09 05:48:17 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:48:29 UTC  

Int main{

2019-10-09 05:48:43 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:48:44 UTC  

dilly looks kind of like a stout boy

2019-10-09 05:48:46 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:49:00 UTC  

dilly are you strong

2019-10-09 05:49:07 UTC  

Yeah I would say so

2019-10-09 05:49:30 UTC  

me too

2019-10-09 05:49:34 UTC  

really strong

2019-10-09 05:49:38 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:49:43 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:50:12 UTC  

imagine a 500 pound down syndrome person retard strength

2019-10-09 05:50:16 UTC  

that would make a good super hero

2019-10-09 05:50:17 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:50:20 UTC  


2019-10-09 05:50:27 UTC  

Yeah that should be the next joker

2019-10-09 05:50:57 UTC  

nah nah