Message from @Thomas the Sowell Train [USA]
Discord ID: 394257977563152384
regular music channel still available for all, so people can post their shit and share it around
yeah, made it its own section, as the two channels are related to each other
so to not be confused with anything else
this is not a bad cover
its not the hip hop im used to Is this real? I've never really listened to scratching before but this is pretty interesting in a weird out of my comfort zone kind of way.
"megatitties? oh, megatitles"
Part of me thinks "hey, this is really cool" and another part of me thinks "remember when a turntable was what people bought if they couldn't afford a 'real' instrument"
That must be several $K sitting there
look at those fucking frets
before it was cool
look at this fucking hipster
Dan is a hipster
U fuking wot m8
I fuck ur mum m8
M8 i wouldnt even r8 your mum 9/11 ya cunt
I can't believe you've done this
belive it
dan conway is a fag