Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 501224679152025621

2018-10-13 21:58:56 UTC  

oh right I get you

2018-10-13 21:58:58 UTC  

yeah idk

2018-10-13 21:59:24 UTC  

just motion tracking I guess?

2018-10-13 22:13:42 UTC  

yeah that would kinda make sense wouldn't it 😊

2018-10-13 22:48:03 UTC  

hmmm, don't know whether to just try motion tracking meme or go balls out and try deepfake meme instead...

2018-10-13 22:48:51 UTC  

either way it's learning something from scratch

2018-10-13 22:53:55 UTC  

tracking is super easy in After Effects or Nuke - takes like 5 minutes to learn if you have prior knowledge of those programs or maybe 10 if you don't 😃

2018-10-13 23:02:45 UTC  

what's Nuke? I normally edit video in PowerDirector but recently got DaVinci so currently migrating over to it.

2018-10-13 23:17:23 UTC  

Nuke is... expensive.... it's what a lot of film studios use, eg Weta, Industrial Light & Magic, Disney Animation and Dreamworks Animation. The tracking software in it is really good and the node system is so nice to use, so if you can get your hands on it I'd recommend it but After Effects is good too and certainly more affordable. I've heard of DaVinci but only briefly - I was only really taught about the more industry standard compositing programmes.

2018-10-13 23:41:38 UTC  

I think I might have after effects, though I've never used it. I was told DaVinci is sort of an industry staple, was the main reason I decided to make the switch to it tbh.

2018-10-14 01:12:13 UTC  

I think it is for smaller studios but I personally haven't heard anything about it other than the odd mention but since I've only done 3D courses (compositing was a pretty small aspect) I'm not exactly an authority but from what I know it's not super widely used but that's in New Zealand, in other countries it may be. Most compositing softwares are similar enough that transferring from one to another isn't too hard so don't worry too much about what's used in the industry, what's used changes pretty often as well and depends a lot on the studio and the scope of what they create. Choose a software that you like and if you're teaching yourself then any with a lot of resources online is a good idea too.
Just looked up DaVinci, it looks pretty similar to After Effects and maybe with some Premiere mixed in. It certainly looks like a decent software and is definitely used in the industry, if you like it stick to it!

2018-10-14 02:43:08 UTC  

Yeah a lack of online resources was the main reason I wanted to get away from powerdirector. i've been using it for about 6 years now and i still really like it's simplicity but trying to find tutorials for anything new was a chore. DaVinci seems to have a lot of more expert features that I'll probably never get around to learning but it does seem to have a decent following and hopefully my basic knowledge will transfer across from powerdirector without too much hassle.

2018-10-15 02:44:41 UTC  

so is this chat about art stuff or?....

2018-10-15 02:45:10 UTC  


2018-10-15 02:46:10 UTC

2018-10-15 02:46:50 UTC

2018-10-15 02:47:01 UTC

2018-10-15 02:47:08 UTC

2018-10-15 02:47:18 UTC

2018-10-15 02:47:38 UTC  

My artism know many bounds

2018-10-15 02:47:55 UTC  


2018-10-15 02:49:00 UTC  

not bad, could be 10 times better if you took your time with some of those

2018-10-15 02:52:29 UTC  

yeah but i can only do it in the free time when im in the mood so...

2018-10-15 02:52:40 UTC  

time be the thing i lack

2018-10-15 02:54:42 UTC  

do a bit at a time, it's worth it

2018-10-15 08:28:31 UTC  

i am not good at artin

2018-10-15 10:10:17 UTC  

That is a lot of hotdogs

2018-10-15 10:10:23 UTC  


2018-10-15 17:15:21 UTC  
2018-10-15 17:15:26 UTC  

it's 10/10

2018-10-15 17:17:43 UTC  

Wow, he has a Democrat one as well

2018-10-15 17:18:14 UTC  

but he gets flak for the republican

2018-10-15 20:29:54 UTC  

dank meme idea:

the Father Ted scene where Ted is explaining the difference between "small" and "far away"

superimpose Graham "Glinner" Linehan's face onto Dougal
give Ted a "Policeman's helmet"

Ted: "These women have vaginas"
Ted: "But the women out there have penises"
Ted: "Vaginas"
Ted: "Penises"
Ted: "Ah forget it you Transphobe"

I have neither the skill nor the patience to make it right now and I don't want it getting cold. Someone should make it and send it to Dankula.

2018-10-15 22:53:45 UTC  

do your own dirty work you scavenger

2018-10-16 04:36:25 UTC  

no u

2018-10-16 06:59:08 UTC  

I looked at doing it

2018-10-16 06:59:15 UTC  

but fuck after effects

2018-10-16 07:24:08 UTC  

I could do the tracking if it was text but I don't know how to overlay an image and make it track and I can't find a tutorial for it lol

2018-10-16 07:32:31 UTC  

AE has built in face tracking apparently

2018-10-16 08:00:25 UTC  

i think i just found out how to do it in DaVinci... might give it a go later after some sleep