Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 526374437847826443

2018-12-23 12:12:33 UTC  

I think I sent what the first 2 are gonna be

2018-12-23 12:13:17 UTC  

Abomination 1:
Head: Ankheg head, Gorgon head, Dragons Teeth 10
Body: Ettin
Legs: 2 Owlbear Hindlegs
Extra: 4 Grick Tentacles
Abomination 2:
Head: Hobgoblin Ears, 4 Canines
Body: Troll
Arms: 2 Giant Ape Arms
Hands: 2 Dragon Claws, one on each hand.
Legs: 2 Owlbear Hindlegs

2018-12-23 12:13:18 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:13:27 UTC  

this might interest you

2018-12-23 12:14:09 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:14:30 UTC  

I'll write this down. Might come in handy.

2018-12-23 12:14:46 UTC  

Gotta ask my dm if we can maybe work something out in 5e.

2018-12-23 12:15:02 UTC  

mechanically it wouldn't be too hard to convert

2018-12-23 12:15:08 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:15:28 UTC  

I'll remember this if someone loses their body parts lmao

2018-12-23 12:16:29 UTC  

Only things I gotta find now are 1 giant ape, 1 troll, 1 ettin, 1 ankheg, and 1 gorgon.

2018-12-23 12:16:37 UTC  

And then I'm ready to make undead

2018-12-23 12:16:43 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:17:15 UTC  

Also I'm gonna fill a zombie with surströmming and use it as a suicidebomber

2018-12-23 12:19:58 UTC  

roll a fortitude save

2018-12-23 12:21:13 UTC  
2018-12-23 12:21:20 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:21:23 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:21:36 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:24:05 UTC  


2018-12-23 12:24:14 UTC  

yeah constitution I guess

2018-12-23 12:27:58 UTC  

Ahh okay hahahah

2018-12-23 12:28:12 UTC  

But I need help with coming up with more combos

2018-12-23 12:28:34 UTC  

Dunno what more to do lmao

2018-12-23 14:19:11 UTC  

idk something that calcifies flesh so when they get attacked they crumble into difficult terrain?

2018-12-23 15:59:04 UTC  

anything change in a month?

2018-12-23 17:55:33 UTC  

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and bits of worm, and Trump will win his second term.
@turtwig @Goblin_Slayer_Floki

2018-12-23 17:56:09 UTC  

wow that was exceedingly gay

2018-12-23 18:02:50 UTC  

Ok gaster

2018-12-23 18:04:21 UTC  

That was highly offensive.

2018-12-23 18:29:45 UTC  


2018-12-24 18:17:57 UTC  

That one is ok

2018-12-25 03:14:59 UTC  

gay lol

2018-12-25 10:11:11 UTC  


2018-12-25 13:58:03 UTC  

No u

2018-12-25 14:06:16 UTC  


2018-12-25 14:07:36 UTC  


2018-12-28 00:58:46 UTC  


2018-12-28 00:58:47 UTC