Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 542081895773503538

2019-02-04 20:02:49 UTC  

And have been free for a very long time.

2019-02-04 20:02:59 UTC  

And therefor created their own cultural identity and shi

2019-02-04 20:04:06 UTC  

I'll get some insipration. need to read up some.

2019-02-04 20:04:58 UTC  

Also, the idea of a bear race, with a very harsh and primitive language (and ideas) who are mostly druids and shit. What do you think of that?

2019-02-04 20:09:30 UTC  

no furry

2019-02-04 20:09:55 UTC  

though I am 100% behind intelligent owlbears

2019-02-04 20:32:46 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:32:49 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:33:11 UTC  

there's an archfey around so its fully possible for an encounter or a quest.

2019-02-04 20:35:08 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:35:15 UTC  

Nerd *and* furry

2019-02-04 20:37:03 UTC  

furries are disgusting people who should be crusified

2019-02-04 20:37:35 UTC

2019-02-04 20:37:40 UTC  

this isn't even my final form

2019-02-04 20:37:55 UTC  

holy fucking fuck what the hell

2019-02-04 20:37:59 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:38:06 UTC  

@turtwig nigga what lvl are you

2019-02-04 20:38:07 UTC  

rogues man

2019-02-04 20:38:14 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:39:53 UTC  

i think my max in a round without crit is like

2019-02-04 20:39:55 UTC  


2019-02-04 20:40:32 UTC  

o even more with power attack

2019-02-04 20:41:19 UTC  

i wish i was rolling real dice on a table for this lol

2019-02-04 21:43:22 UTC

2019-02-04 21:43:25 UTC  


2019-02-04 21:47:37 UTC  

reminds me of a Vampire: The Masquerade game, a roll was made for a full auto smg attack

2019-02-04 21:48:07 UTC  

emptied a sack of 31 dice or something ridiculous like that

2019-02-04 22:14:58 UTC  

what the actual fuck

2019-02-04 22:16:09 UTC  


2019-02-04 22:24:00 UTC  

who is so lazy they need automated tape dispenser

2019-02-04 22:34:57 UTC  

@turtwig tentacle rape incoming

2019-02-05 03:06:28 UTC

2019-02-05 03:08:48 UTC  

```+1 Heartseeker
A +1 longbow that 2/day casts inevitable strike (1st level psionic power granting +5 to hit and ignore concealment as a swift action, or a +20 on your next shot in the next round if you spend a standard action to charge it). A mere 800 gp more than a regular +1 longbow.

Shield of Flames
A +1 heavy steel shield that had 5d4 worth of burning hands sealed in it. The dragon crest on the shield could come to life to breath some combination of 5d4 fire damage (1d4 five times per day or 5d4 once per day). The whole thing was 2,800 gp and it saw a lot of use and quickly became one of the dwarf cleric's favorite items.

Giant's Buckle
A belt that lets you enlarge person yourself for up to 10 rounds per day, divided as you see fit. Also comes as a codpiece for the fashion-inclined. A mere 400 gp.

Pot of Pestilence
A clay pot inscribed with depictions of vermin, filled with a fine black sand. When opened and the sand scattered out (up to 25 ft. ft away) the sand transforms into a swarm of bats, rats, or spiders (your choice) that lasts as long as you concentrate on it and for 2 rounds thereafter. After the pot has been emptied its magic vanishes. A mere 109 gp.

Firefly Oil
A sticky oil that can be applied to ammunition as a standard action. Once applied the oil remains potent for about an hour, and causes the weapon to inflict +1d6 fire damage on contact. There's enough oil in a single bottle for up to 50 pieces of ammunition. A mere 270 gp.

Liquid Courage
This strong dwarven stout is good for what ails you. Drinking it suppresses any ongoing fear effects for 10 minutes and grants a +4 morale bonus on saving throws for any new fear effects for the duration. Cost 18 gp.
What you think @turtwig

2019-02-05 03:09:29 UTC  


2019-02-05 03:09:41 UTC  

The sneaky turtle is fast asleep

2019-02-05 06:21:19 UTC  

they sound pretty good

2019-02-05 15:32:04 UTC  

@turtwig what monster is that

2019-02-05 15:32:10 UTC  

give name

2019-02-05 15:32:13 UTC  
