Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 484424133027954698

2018-08-27 21:07:20 UTC  

Hey guys. I'm a bit appalled that Discord is able to be used to doxx people. Do you guys know of a way to make a code that will delete all the messages you have posted on a server for privacy reasons?

I hear people used Kraut's discord server's search tool to doxx it's users

2018-08-27 21:08:15 UTC  

Yes, actually

2018-08-27 21:08:39 UTC  

I don't really trust the you-tube videos that ask you to execute a code through the administrator. Could it be executed through chrome's console?

2018-08-27 21:08:41 UTC  

I've developed a Python script a while back that deletes all DMs. You should be able to modify it yourself to delete server channels.

2018-08-27 21:08:58 UTC  

I dont know any code language

2018-08-27 21:09:02 UTC  


2018-08-27 21:09:09 UTC  

I suppose I could modify it for you a little later.

2018-08-27 21:09:47 UTC  

In the meantime, I'd recommend switching to a chat client (and actively promoting a chat client) like Riot or qTox/Tox.

2018-08-27 21:09:59 UTC  

cool. I'm just a bit concerned. I haven't posted any actually doxxable info but you can never be too careful.

2018-08-27 21:10:27 UTC  

Well, as long as you're careful about it, you should be fine.

2018-08-27 21:11:19 UTC  

My logic is to try and clean the slate, just to be sure. The Kraut thing is off-putting.

2018-08-28 04:03:57 UTC  

printy bois in this price range: worth bothering with?

2018-08-28 18:48:10 UTC  

i'm not sold on the colors

2018-08-29 17:42:07 UTC  

this is so fucking dumb

2018-08-29 18:07:32 UTC  

I finally got my chinese source code to upload to arduey boi

2018-08-29 18:08:33 UTC  

clone boards need the chink driver

2018-08-29 18:09:51 UTC  

I'm still afraid to turn it on. when i plug it back into computer with the Motor Shield attached, it beeps really loud, because it has a PC speaker

2018-08-29 18:10:22 UTC  

hopefully that means the code works and its yelling cause it doesnt have the IR remote, or sufficient power

2018-08-29 18:12:12 UTC  

I'm going to test it outside later in case my batteries vent for some reason 😄

2018-08-29 18:34:20 UTC  

by the way the Arduino IDE runs in java 🤢

2018-08-29 20:06:37 UTC

2018-08-29 20:07:23 UTC  


2018-08-29 20:07:25 UTC  

well shit

2018-08-29 20:07:33 UTC  


2018-08-29 20:07:54 UTC  

quite the nasty burn you got there

2018-08-29 20:07:56 UTC  

Ladies and gentlemen, I've just fried my first IC

2018-08-29 20:16:40 UTC  

that's a component on the Motor Drive board. my UNO still powers up and is (probably) fine

2018-08-29 20:46:51 UTC  

that one is buggerd

2018-08-31 14:30:14 UTC  

If I want to learn a programming language, what's the best way to do so?

2018-08-31 14:30:23 UTC  

Any good websites/tutorials anywhere?

2018-08-31 14:50:57 UTC  

Consider picking up something "light" to familiarize yourself with the concepts of a programming language

2018-08-31 14:51:44 UTC  

In case it wasn't clear, the "thing" being a programming language. There's some very specific heavy duty ones that are quite esoteric and then there's others that are simple, broad, and easy to read

2018-08-31 14:51:57 UTC  

I see alot of suggestions for Python

2018-08-31 14:52:06 UTC  

I picked things up through Racket/Scheme

2018-08-31 14:52:14 UTC  

And transitioned to C++/C#