Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277265455649914892
I've taken a few graphic design courses.
I saw that name as well
like the statement
@Nonon Jakuzure that's sexy
Also guys, and I know im shilling, but follow @theminutemenUSA 😉
and the arrows are in right hand that means state of war
oh man im literally watching Man in the High Castle right now lol
ep.3 of S1
pretty good so far
its writers last name is (((cohen)))
deep inner conflict
cant we just kill them lol
There's literally nothing wrong with being a fascist. That being said, Maximus has a point. Let's avoid feeding the leftist narrative.
if 25+ people went full shooter status
then maybe we get something done
hi @ fbi
y it no work
So the thought just came to me, how are we going to handle any Women who want to join out group?
Lol, we can cross that bridge when we get to it.
Don't worry, there will be a time to fight back.
Have patience.
It's more about public image.
We can't screw anything up when we're this tiny.
can we agree richard spencer is a faggot
He's alt right with me
the whole alt right meme makes me ree