Message from @Reaps

Discord ID: 422335198752145429

2018-03-10 10:38:18 UTC  


The NRA has power but it isn't as big as they say it is


2018-03-10 13:56:35 UTC

2018-03-10 15:44:44 UTC  


2018-03-10 15:44:45 UTC  

and over

2018-03-10 15:44:47 UTC  

and over again

2018-03-10 21:59:01 UTC  

Also Dick's and Walmart are now getting sued for age discrimination in their decisions not to sell firearms/ammunition to people under 21.

2018-03-11 08:58:59 UTC

2018-03-11 09:21:28 UTC

2018-03-11 09:22:17 UTC

2018-03-11 10:07:34 UTC

2018-03-11 10:07:58 UTC

2018-03-11 10:09:15 UTC

2018-03-11 10:09:17 UTC

2018-03-11 10:09:20 UTC

2018-03-11 10:09:26 UTC  


2018-03-11 10:09:39 UTC

2018-03-11 10:11:13 UTC

2018-03-11 11:12:20 UTC  
2018-03-11 12:43:14 UTC  

`Mass Shooting, Active Shooter and Targeted Attack.
Pundits like to intone that "There is no broadly accepted definition of mass shootings." Bull.

Mass shooting has a pretty clear standard set by Federal Law Enforcement and legal (FBI, DOJ, DOHS, BJS etc.), "A shooting incident where four or more people die excluding the shooter." This is pretty much the accepted professional standard and definition. With these standards mass shootings are incredibly rare. Not to say they don't happen, but in a country of 360,00,000 people, 3.8 million square miles and 365 days in a year, objectively five to ten incidents a year qualifies as rare.`

2018-03-11 12:43:41 UTC  

`The Feds set a high bar, but as you'll soon see there's a reason. To really start screwing things up you need academics, lobbyists and agenda pushers. The Gun Violence Archive tweaks it by saying, "Four or more shot and/or killed in a single event, at the same general time and location, not including the shooter." Not dead but wounded kicks up the number of qualifying incidents (That's the last time you'll see the shooter excluded in the body count.)

The Mass Shooting Tracker uses, "...four or more people are shot in a single shooting spree. This may include the gunman himself or police shootings of civilians around the gunman." Notice how standards are getting broader to boost numbers? I've run across some counting spousal murder/suicides as 'mass shootings' to justify an anti-gun agenda. According to this approach one dead and one shot is a 'mass shooting incident.' Counting that way and spanning multiple decades allows them to claim US mass shooting incidents number in the thousands and victims in the tens of thousands. It's amazing you can walk down the street with all the bodies laying around from gun violence. < /sarcasm >`

2018-03-11 15:50:35 UTC  

This the same site that qualified a drug deal gone bad 400 feet from a school as a school shooting?

2018-03-11 15:57:13 UTC  

`But that narrative was gleaned from the anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety. Here are some facts, in order to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to the facts:

Twice, someone shot themselves on school grounds; one incident, on January 3, featured a man shooting himself in a former school’s parking lot; on January 10 a teen killed himself in an Arizona elementary school bathroom.

Four times, a bullet was fired through a school or dorm’s window: on January 4, a gunshot was fired at a high school in Seattle through an office window; no one was hurt. On January 10, a shot was fired shattering a California State University classroom window. No injuries were reported. The same day, in Texas, a bullet was accidentally fired through a classroom wall at the Grayson College Criminal Justice Center. No one was injured. On January 15, a bullet traveled through a residential hall’s dorm room. No injuries were reported.`

2018-03-11 15:57:40 UTC  

Pretty sure Mother Jones has used that skewed definition in the past tho

2018-03-11 16:35:04 UTC  

`Lethal force is that force which may cause death or grave bodily harm. Grave bodily harm is also defined as crippling injury. You do not fire the gun unless you are on solid legal ground if you kill the citizen you are defending yourself from.


Citizens do not fire warning shots.
Warning shots seem like a great idea until one considers that when you're "warning" him, you're actually using lethal force directed toward an individual to make your warning. MA recounts the sad tale of a man who fired a warning shot over another man's head and struck a distant woman, killing her. There is also the case of a musician who, while legally intoxicated, became confused and beat on his neighbor's door so violently the man fired a warning shot through the top of the door. Unfortunately the musician was extraordinarily tall and the "warning shot" was a "head shot."

These are cases of people possessing power that they do not know how to command, and tragedy was the result. If you must pull your gun, be prepared to fire it. If you must fire it, aim it to stop the threat to your life or the lives of innocents. There is no other acceptable use of lethal force.

MA is not an attorney. His is not a law professor. MA is a designated prosecutor with the Grantham police department in New Hampshire. He is a lethal force instructor. In any given year MA will accept and take to trial about 20 cases, where he will act as an expert witness. They seem to split evenly on citizens firing in self defense and police officers firing their weapons in the line of duty. MA does not take cases where he is not reasonably certain, by the evidence, that the defendant is innocent. `

Not exactly firearms but woahhhh

2018-03-11 18:43:11 UTC  

what could possibly go wrong

De_Omnibus β€’ 365 points β€’ submitted 3 hours ago

The C130 crashed during testing, the front firing rockets blinded the pilots.

2018-03-11 18:52:06 UTC  

multiple rockets like that are always dangerous. All it takes is *one* of them to fail to fire, to have a delayed ignition, or just not to burn as clean as the other ones and everything can go awry