Message from @meratrix

Discord ID: 474575984180592641

2018-08-02 13:50:53 UTC  

@meratrix what server u on my boi

2018-08-02 13:51:19 UTC  

for what?

2018-08-02 13:51:22 UTC  


2018-08-02 13:51:30 UTC  

I've got nothing to do

2018-08-02 13:51:32 UTC  


2018-08-02 13:51:34 UTC  

If you want to play World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC, Free) with us, type `!wow`. See ya'll on the realm!

2018-08-02 13:51:34 UTC  


2018-08-02 13:51:42 UTC  

there havent been any good games on PC in a year or so

2018-08-02 13:51:46 UTC  

its fucking awful

2018-08-02 13:52:15 UTC  

The only mc servers I play on are small internal ones that mu friend group has up from time to time

2018-08-02 13:52:22 UTC  


2018-08-02 13:52:31 UTC  

aside from that it’s almost always singleplayer

2018-08-02 13:52:48 UTC  

why did they change combat in 1.9

2018-08-02 13:52:51 UTC  

so shit

2018-08-02 13:53:35 UTC  

yeah, they need to add more weapons to make the 1.9 combat work

2018-08-02 13:53:43 UTC  

they’ve added the trident

2018-08-02 13:53:50 UTC  

I saw that

2018-08-02 13:53:55 UTC  

but some more would be nice

2018-08-02 13:55:20 UTC  

also, some more animal mobs would be nice

2018-08-02 13:55:25 UTC  

I'm trying to find a good survival MP server

2018-08-02 13:55:31 UTC  

we have Savannah, lions would be cool

2018-08-02 13:55:39 UTC  

what they changed in combat?

2018-08-02 13:55:47 UTC  

I haven't minecrafted in fuckin decades

2018-08-02 13:56:34 UTC  

there’s now a cool down between hits so if you hit really fast the damage is almost non-existent

2018-08-02 13:56:49 UTC  

it’s an interesting concept

2018-08-02 13:56:53 UTC  

but executed poorly

2018-08-02 13:57:21 UTC  

it should have a been a gamerule so people could turn it off if they wanted the old style pvp

2018-08-02 13:57:54 UTC  

I also think the next region to get revitalized should be the nether

2018-08-02 13:58:34 UTC  

the nether is terrible

2018-08-02 13:58:35 UTC  

and frankly, all the mobs from that poll should have been added, but maybe that’ll he in the future

2018-08-02 13:58:55 UTC  

I wish they would just take the Aether mod, and shove it into Vanilla

2018-08-02 13:58:59 UTC  

that would be so good

2018-08-02 13:59:32 UTC  

that’d be cool, but the aether is already so good, I don’t think they could make it as good

2018-08-02 13:59:36 UTC  


2018-08-02 13:59:44 UTC  

I mean just take the mod and put it in Vanilla no changes

2018-08-02 13:59:52 UTC  


2018-08-02 14:00:33 UTC  

nether fortresses need a boss, and nether villages would be cool

2018-08-02 14:01:10 UTC  


2018-08-02 14:01:12 UTC  


2018-08-02 14:05:22 UTC  

so it's kinda like stamina but worse

2018-08-02 14:05:30 UTC  
