Message from @DanConway
Discord ID: 375829125136384010
I laugh about pretty much anything
But this last one....
Ce n'est pas pour moi
the last meme?
that one was just hit a little to close to reality
This one
oh yea
that one is 2 real 4 me
The comments makes it even better
"What is this? A murderfest?"
Reading this shit you realize that the average Muslim is not moderate at all
was he being ironic
of course not
wanna be woke on muslims in the US?
One in four young Muslims in America believes that terrorism is justified. Source: page 60
33% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia law is greater than the Constitution. Source: page 2
29% of Muslim Americans believe that violence against those who insult Islam is acceptable. same source page 3
More than 1 in 3 Canadian Muslims refuses to repudiate Al Qaeda. Source:
13% of Syrian migrants support ISIS. Source:
reminder: all of these facts for the *non*-muslim populations are zero. literally none.
i would be worried if a non muslim believed in sharia law
Some weird progressive do
The Guardian decided to poll muslims on whether or not homosexuality is morally acceptable, they got 0 yes out of 500 responses.
these are the people the left hold in higher regard than center left moderates
It's funny, Christianity sucks, but Islam is cool
There's nothing worse than the crusades
There's nothing worse than dropping nuclear bombs
the spanish inquisition
There's nothing worse than invading Iraq
No one ever expects
i can change the color of my emogis
holy shit
You just now realized that?