Message from @meratrix
Discord ID: 376919304702263296
You reached a unique level of dark humor now
Trump is gonna make Ba Sing Sae Great Again, but they already have the wall
There is no war in Ba Sing Sae
There is no terrorism within the walls
Here we are safe
Here we are free
That was such a good show
Uncle Iro's leaves from the vine episode fucked me up
Then everything changed when The Legend of Korra attacked
Is Legend of Korra still going or did it end?
over, back in 2014
the last two seasons were actually pretty good
season one wasn't bad
but season 2 sucked major ass
and was the main reason for the show losing so much of its audience
Really the first episode just turned me off to the shoe
yeah, the first episode wasn't great, but all in all season 1 wasn't bad, it was just season 2 that really shit the bed
There's this dude called E;R on Youtube, not sure if you know him, but he tears into Legend of Korra
I think I may have seen it
can't remember though
I think i have seen him
He rips into steven universe too i think
It was a 4 part series called the "Legend of Whorra"
And yeah, he does
I think Korras main problem was that they tried to make it more adult because the audience that watched ATLA was now older, but Nick wouldn't let them go all the way
also, Nick wouldn't greenlight multiple seasons at a time, so they had to write each season to end by the end of that season
They should've done what CN did with Samurai Jack if they wanted to make it more adult
@DanConway You like dark humor, right?
I am a fan
watch this
A friend showed it to me the other day
The opening has peaked my interests
Legend of Korra is the sjw avatar, right?