Message from @Inqu'aanate
Discord ID: 381506239252660224
Get him his own fucking iPad, don't fill in the CC info.
He’s rich he can probably afford the 3000 dollars
It’s just showing how easy it is for kids to spend money on games
But even rich people don't like to just burn money away.
Not the point
He doesn't think he, or his son, gained anything of value. It could have costed 30 dollars and he'll probably still be pissed.
there have been a worse case
i guess a kid spent 5 or 15k
Some people are pissed with the Nintendo Switch's online services, which will cost some money starting next year. It's the cheapest service fees of all consoles, but it provides nearly no value. It has no dedicated servers, lacks a lot of matchmaking functions, no community, no way to report players... it's the most barebones shit ever.
I feel like buying battlefront 2 just to spite them
I just downloaded project reality
Going to play it now
man, i hope the mods here are a little more relaxed than dankula's server
they were... aggresive.
No they’re aggressive here too
Sorry son
You’re getting banned
@GumbyShrimp are non contextual memes allowed here, there's no spam chats
?ban @Inqu'aanate
Looks very photoshopped.
But, numbers don't lie, it's a septuple, now it has to happen.
so it is written so it shall be
It’s ok to be male
It's ok to celebrate international mens day
*gasp* how sexist