Message from @GumbyShrimp
Discord ID: 383058864184229888
End of discussion
Damn, I wish I could copy paste what I already said about this in another chat room.
The USSR's rape of the agricultural system, not allowing for sufficent food production to sustain its population
I believe in a hybrid system.
Even sargon of akkad believes in social welfare, he said in his interview with styxhexenhammer666, a libertarian.
@✿ Mittens ✿ ok, why is capitalism bad because it kills people? Isn't killing people immoral? Wait, you don't believe in morality, so why do you give a shit?
Social welfare is not full on socialism which you are
Dirty commie fag
Look at all the people typing oh my god.
Why don’t you move to a place that has your hybrid system
Fucking end your life Mittens
Kill your self
No thanks. I'd actually like to live forever. As long as there's things to learn I think life will be very interesting. I think if I knew everything, I would probably transcend the need for things to be interesting anyways.
I take that as a complement so thanks.
```No thanks. I'd actually like to live forever. As long as there's things to learn I think life will be very interesting. I think if I knew everything, I would probably transcend the need for things to be interesting anyways.```
I actually really love the gay community.
I don’t
```No thanks. I'd actually like to live forever. As long as there's things to learn I think life will be very interesting. I think if I knew everything, I would probably transcend the need for things to be interesting anyways.`
They’re degenerates
Gas them too
I wonder why you guys are even in this server.
I mean, that's not the sort of opinions sargon has.
The only good gay is a dead one
We're here to call out people like you on your bullshit
Um, because we have opinions and don't blindly follow people
Gay talk
Delete your account @✿ Mittens ✿
Holy fuck this is autistic
@✿ Mittens ✿ ily never leave me
Fuck autists too
Gas them aswell
A traditional society would slaughter your post gender one @✿ Mittens ✿
Mmmm yeah, gimme that hate for the mentally handicapped.