Message from @radeon
Discord ID: 384373540331192323
eww normie trash get it away
wait, didnt emma whatsherface cry before the UN that the world needs more feminism
Damn why are muh memes going in like documents
that's sure doesn't sound like a keki thing to do, unless she was trolling
@DanConway prolly no file selected
it's Marie Claire
So it's still probably about feminism
I mean no stuff like .jpg or .ng
Think i got it
Heli rides seem more effective
I love Stellaris lmao
Memes should be pinned on merit. There's this other server that pins based on ⭐ reactions.
this is no democracy
We have anarcho-facism here cunts
No I’m far right authoritarian remember
No, don't behead them
Bring em down here and we'll feed em to the dropbears
Or the emus
Whatever you reckon would be more unpleasant