Message from @DanConway
Discord ID: 396888653625819157
Yea this is dumb
I was against it when they attacked Obama's family and im against it now
^founght for the emu
Two idiots don't make a genius, it seems
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
Muslims would scream out in terror and then suddenly there would be silence.
And nothing of value would be lost
It was already destroyed, by Muslims themselves.
Three times actually.
>Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has joined others in calling for the destruction of the Kaaba Stone
**I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity.**
Let's end the year with some not-so-edgy memes.
Say Goodbye, Loli Hentai
when do we remove furry?